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The browse page allows you to explore all the available content in the system. You can locate individual views, reports, dashboards, stories, and more depending on your security access level.


There are two display layouts available: a List and a Thumbnail View.

In the thumbnail layout, users can sort the content in ascending or descending order.


Each content item will be represented by a thumbnail. The thumbnail will display an image relevant to the content type, or a default image if the content has not been initialized.

To see more information about an item, you can hover over a thumbnail and click on the icon on the top right corner.


This layout allows users to search for their content using a list. Information about each content item is displayed in columns. Users can also perform bulk actions when in list view.



The List view allows each user to select what information they want to have displayed on the page through the Columns popup. As each user interacts and acts on content differently, organizing Columns lets you be more efficient.

To customize your view, click the 'Edit Columns' icon on the top right side of the page and select your preferences. 

You have several options within the Columns popup:

  1. Filter columns by typing in the search box.
  2. Toggle columns on or off using the checkbox next to each column name.
  3. Rearrange columns by dragging them.

You can also:

  1. Resize columns to accommodate different information.
  2. Sort the table by clicking on column headings to toggle between ascending (ASC) and descending (DESC) order.
  3. Scroll horizontally to view all available data.

Available Columns
NameName of content.
DescriptionA summary of what the content is about.
Last ModifiedLast time it was modified.
StatusDisplays whether it's a Public or Draft content item.
Last Modified ByName of the user who last modified this item.
LinkedDisplays a Link icon next to each report that has related content or drill through reports linked to them. Only parent reports show links.
Run TimeProvides an indication of how long the content item takes to run.
FolderName of the Folder where this item is stored.
Sub FolderName of the Sub Folder where this item is stored.
BroadcastsIndicates if this content item is included in any Broadcast schedules.
Run TypeIndicates if a View was created using the Drag and Drop Builder or an SQL statement.
TagsLists any content tags that have been associated with this item.


Once you have located the content you require, you can perform various actions—either on a single item or multiple items.

Mouse Actions

There are three different mouse actions that can be performed on the browse page in order to interact with content.

Single ClickThis will allow you to select an item. If you hold down shift or control/command on your keyboard you will be able to select multiple items.
Double ClickThis will allow you to open a single piece of content from the browse page. Simply double click on the item you wish to open.
Right Click

This will allow you to open a menu for the selected content item or items. Simply right click on the item you wish to see the menu for. As an alternative you can select the item and open the menu by clicking on the three dot icon 


There are different menus, depending on the content item selected. Users may see different menu options on a content item based on the security functions they have for that particular content type and whether it's a "Published" or "Draft" item.

To access the menu for Thumbnail content, right-click anywhere in the tile or click on the three dot icon  on the bottom right side of a thumbnail tile.

To access the menu when in list view, right-click on the content item row.

Published Content Menus

Dashboards - Presentations - ReportsStoriesThemesViews

Drafts Content Menus

Dashboards - Presentations - ReportsStoriesViews

OpenAllows you to open an individual content item. Alternatively, you can double click on the item to open it.
Open in new tab

Allows you to open the content in a new tab. 

Note that you must have the multi tab support enabled for this.

Edit in PageThis will allow you to edit an individual content item in the current page.
Edit in New Tab

This will allow you to edit the content in a new tab. 

Note that you must have the multi tab support enabled for this.

ShareThis will allow you to share an individual piece of content from the browse page. See Sharing Reports for more information.

Add to Favourites

This will allow you to add individual or multiple items to your favourites list. 

If this includes Dashboards, they will be added from your personal dashboards list.

Edit DetailsThis will allow you to edit the details of a content item.
Make a copyThis will allow you to make a copy of a content item.
DeleteThis will allow you to delete one or more content items.
Copy UUID to ClipboardFor users with appropriate role privileges, this item copies the UUID for a content item to the Clipboard. This is useful when embedding content using the JSAPI.

Open in new tab

If you have the Multi-Tab Support configuration enabled, click on the menu of any content in the Browse page, and you will have additional options to open or edit that content in a new tab. You can also bring up the menu by right-clicking on the content thumbnail.


Edit Details

The Edit Details option allows you to change general information about a content.

To Edit Details from a Thumbnail view, right-click anywhere in the tile or click on the three dot icon on the bottom right side of a thumbnail tile.

To Edit Details from a list view, right-click on the content item row.

In the popup dialog, users can edit the Title, Description, Folder and Subfolder of a content.

Users can also reset the thumbnail image and set it to a default picture.

Deleting Content

When you delete content from the system, a number of different warning messages can be displayed, these are described below.

  1. If the content item or items being deleted does not have dependencies, the user will simply be asked to confirm the delete.
  2. If  the content item is a View, and that View has been used by other content (most commonly a Report), those Reports will be automatically deleted when the View is deleted. The user is shown the following warning including a list of the impacted Reports.

    Further, if those Reports are themselves used by other content,a variation of the above warning will be displayed.

  3. When a user attempts to delete a Report that is used by other content (such as included on a Dashboard or in a Story), the warning will list the content that is currently using that Report.

When searching for content on the browse page, the search can be refined by entering text in the  Search box and pressing enter or clicking the magnifying glass to start the search. To clear the text in the Search box, simply click the icon on the right side of the bar or click on Clear All.

Filter By Type

The drop down menu allows you to restrict the types of content on the page. 

There are different options to filter your view:

  • The All Categories checkbox is selected by default. This means content will not be filtered by type.
  • To select one or more categories, simply click the checkbox alongside the category you want, All Categories will be automatically unselected.
  • Clicking All Categories again will automatically deselect any categories you selected.
  • The Browse Page will update automatically 3 seconds after you make your selection, or when you close the drop-down by clicking on the arrow or clicking anywhere outside the drop-down.
  • Clear all will default back to All Categories, clear the search bar and refresh the view, including resetting any sorting applied.
  • Content type selections can be remembered across visits to the Browse Page and across sessions. This can be configured from User Profile settings.

Filtering Options

The Filtering Options on the left side, allows you to define the content view on the browse page, restricting the items you can view. The different options work in combination with the Search bar and Content Type Filter.

Sort IconSort TypeDescription

All ContentAllows all content that is available to you to be displayed, only restricted by your search and content type.

My ContentAllows users to filter the view to content they created or last modified.

RecentArranges the content based on the latest date it was viewed.

FavouritesArrange the content by displaying only items you have selected as your favourites.

DraftsAllows you to restrict the content that is displayed to only draft items, hiding all active content.


Allows you to restrict the content that is displayed to only items that have nominated as hidden from the browse  page.

Note: Requires a specific role permission in order to see and use this function.

BroadcastsAllows you to restrict the content that is displayed to only reports you have set up with a personal broadcast, hiding all other  content.

Approval RequiredShows you only content that requires approval.


Folders/Data Source/Tags

Users have the option to view content by Folder, Data Sources or Tags.

Browsing by Folder

To filter the current view, users can expand the folder hierarchy and select a folder or sub-folder.

Browsing by Data Sources

To filter the current view, users can expand the Data Sources hierarchy and select a view.

Note: Some customers prefer to not allow Browsing by Data Source for certain roles. This can be disabled by checking the Hide Data Sources option under the Browse Page section. Click here for more information.

Browsing by Tags

To filter the current view based on the Tag saved against the content, click on All Tags to expand that section. All possible Tags created in the system will be displayed. Click on a Tag to display the content associated with that Tag.
More information on tags can be found here.

New Folders

This feature is available for users with the permission to create or edit folders.

You can add new folders From the "All Folders" section on the left side.

  • Click on the icon.
  • Define the Folder Hierarchy, select Top Level (Folder).

     Note that Folders are used as a container for Sub folders, and will never directly hold content. Leave the Folder Hierarchy option set to Top Level (which it is the default).

    Sub Folder:
    This is used as a container for content, and as such can have security and other content-related settings applied. Select a Parent Folder to place the Sub folder.

    Complete the Sub folder window with the required fields.
    Description Tab
    Folder name - Enter a Folder name.
    Description - Enter a description to identify the purpose of the folder.
    Folder Hierarchy - Select either Top Level folder (to leave this as a parent folder) or choose a top level folder to be the parent folder (to make the new folder a sub-folder).
    Sort Order - Define a specific sort order value if you don’t wish the folder to be sorted alphabetically. 0 will result in standard sorting.

    Draft Content Default Folder -
    Define if this folder will be used as the default folder for storing draft content until it is activated. There can only be one default folder to save draft content in the system. Turning this on will deactivate that setting for any other folder.
    Default View Folder - Define if this folder will be used to store views that are automatically created. There can only be one folder to save draft views in a system.
    Version History - Choose whether to save historical result sets for the contents of this folder (in which case the following settings can also be defined), or save only the current version.
              Max Size - Define the amount of storage available for caching content in this folder (in KB).
              Max Versions - Define the number of historical result sets that will be accessible, per report.
              Max Age - Define how long the historical result sets should be stored before they are deleted.

    Request for Expert Approval -
     Define if publishing into this folder requires approval by an expert. 
    If this is enabled, you need to define who can approve content for this folder. To select an expert approver, you can enter the name of a user or a user group in the box or you can click on the drop-down list.

    User Access
    Folder Security:
    Unsecure - This option is used in conjunction with a multicast license and guest login to provide access to content in this folder without logging in. This behaves like a Public folder for users that are logged in.
    Public - All users will be able to see the content stored in this folder.

    Private - Only the users selected here will be able to see and interact with the content stored in this folder, based on the level of access specified. Users can have access to Edit, Read, and Delete.

  • Click Save to create your folder.

Edit Folders

To Edit a Folder or Sub Folder, users can click on the triple dots menu icon next to the Folder or Sub Folder name and click on Edit Settings.

Content Approval

Content, such as Views or Stories, that require approval, will appear with a 'Approval Required' tag on them in the Browse page.

Content that gets approved will display an approval icon on them to signify their authorization.

To learn more about the View Approval process, click here.