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Yellowfin allows you to define drill down hierarchies for dimensions. Hierarchies enable users to explore their data in a way that is appropriate for your business. Yellowfin re-calculates report data as you move down a hierarchy. Using hierarchies you can provide OLAP functionality from a relational data source.

The common areas for which hierarchies are created include:

    • Geography (Region > Country > State)
    • Date (Year > Quarter > Month > Week > Date).
    • Organisation Structure (Division > Line of Business > Cost Centre)
    • Customer (Country of Origin > Region > City > Customer).
    • Product (Category > Line > Product Code)


Creating a Hierarchy

If you wish to add a hierarchy (this example is Region > Country > Location):

  1. Open the field menu on the top level field in your hierarchy (Region). Select DrillTo and then choose the next level in your hierarchy (Country).
  2. You will now see a link between the top two fields in your hierarchy.
  3. Now repeat the process for the rest of your hierarchy, treating the second level as top now. For example, Drill from Country to Location.
  4. You will now see your hierarchy built.


See Date Functions for more information on building date hierarchies using date fields.

See Drill Down Reports for more information on using drill hierarchies in reports.


In order to remove a link within a hierarchy, or potentially dismantle a hierarchy all together, you simply need to remove each link you created.

  1. Open the drop down menu on of the fields you created a link from (this must be the parent side of the link you wish to remove)
  2. Navigate to Drill To > Drill To > None
  3. Your link will now be removed.