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In Yellowfin 9.4 we enabled the option to add customized loaders to the Javascript API through the “loaderEvents” API.

These loaders are also available in code mode and when using custom headers via the window object.

This allows a developer to listen for instances where an element within a Yellowfin element has a loader added to it or removed from it and then reacts to that event.


After the Yellowfin API init() call has completed, the yellowfin.loaderEvents function will become available. This provides two basic functions — listen and stopListening — which allow you to set  up and remove loader events as you require.  It also provides two functions that simplify replacing many child loaders at once — interceptChildLoadersForElement and stopListeningToElementIntercept.

Note: to use this function in code mode or with custom headers, switch out "yellowfin.loaderEvents" for "window.loaderEvents"


This creates a loader event listener with the passed listenObject object.
