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Background Colour

Define the background colour for the legend area of the chart.


Specify the border type for the legend area of the chart.


Limit the number of values displayed in the legend area of the chart.


Specify a limit for the number of values displayed in the legend area of the chart.

Prefix Field NameShow or hide the name of the colour field (prefix) in the legend.
Legend Limit

Enable this button to set a limit to the number of items in the legend. If the item number exceeds this limit, then the legend will not be displayed.

Tip: This helps in stopping a really big legend from being displayed if it contains too many items. (Reveals the Limit option once enabled.)

Legend Item Shape

Select a shape for the chart’s legend items using this drop down. You can choose between the square or circle shapes, or even a line.

Tip: The default shape will be based on the selected chart. For example, bar or column charts will have square icons in their legends, whereas line charts or trend items will show lines by default.

Show Trends in Legend

Use this to show or hide trend items in the legend.

Tip: This is a useful feature if you have too many trend items and want to hide them in the legend. The trend lines will still appear in the chart, however.

Variance Field NamesThis setting appears when a variance function is used in the colour field. When switched on, it shows the names of the two variance values on their respective side of the colour range. Disable this toggle to hide the variance names from the sides of the colour range.
Colour Range ValuesUse this toggle to show or hide the numeric values of the colour range.





A line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of reference for measurement. The y axis is usually the vertical axis and contains data. The x-axis is usually the horizontal axis and contains categories.
