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Alert Legend

Display a conditional format rules legend with the report.

Legend Title

Provide a title for the conditional format rules legend.

Legend Description

Provide a description for the conditional format rules legend.



Types of Conditional Formatting



Basic rules allow you to set the format of a column using comparisons to either its own values or another field’s values. This is the most common forms of Conditional Format that are applied.

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Alert Type

Select the complexity of the alert rules.

  • Basic: these alerts are based on comparison of the column value to a set value or another column.
  • Advanced: these alerts can be based on multiple conditions, set up using logic similar to that of Filter Settings.


Select a display method for the alert. There are three options available:

  • Bar: the value in a matching cell will be displayed as an inline bar. (Note: This type of styling can only be applied to certain types of content.)
  • Cell: the background colour in a matching cell will be highlighted.
  • Icon: the text in a matching cell will be replaced with an icon.


Select the comparison type from the following options:

  • Value: compares data to set values eg. Greater than 10.
  • Compare Column: compares data to set values stored in another column. E.g. Compare the received amount with amount invoiced to highlight those that are not equal.
  • Percentage of Column: compares the value to a percentage threshold of a comparison column. Use this to highlight revenue that is 10% less than ‘planned revenue’.
  • Percentage of Total: compares the value to a percentage of the total of the column. Use this to highlight values that represent less than 5% of revenue.
  • Percentage of Max: compares the value to a percentage of the maximum value. Use this to highlight values relative to the maximum value eg. values that are in the lowest 20% bracket of results


If you select a column comparison type you will have to choose the column that you want to compare your data to. Choose the appropriate column.


Creating Basic Rules

You can create conditional formatting rules for your report columns as well as your widgets. To learn more on these, click on the options below:

  • Columns Conditional Formatting
  • Widget Conditional Formatting

 Once you have selected how you want to highlight your data you must set the alert rule. See Columns Conditional Formatting to learn more about this.


Field Settings - Advanced Rules
