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Configuring the H2O step

Almost all the data transformation steps in Yellowfin need to be configured. In order to configure the H2O step, you will need to connect to an instance of H2O by providing a valid URL, then choose a data science model. Next, the input fields of the model will need to be set up. This is done by mapping them with the data from the transformation flow. Unlike configuration with other outputs of data science models (such as PMML), there is no need to configure an output field. The generated result is defined during the creation of the model.


Model Output

Checking your model’s categorySupported Model Categories

The types of models that Yellowfin supports can be generalized into four categories. Note: To check the category of a model, refer to the model’s Output section in H2O.


Datatype of your model: The datatype of the output column will also depend on what has been configured in the model. It will be NUMERIC for models belonging to the “Clustering” and “Regression” categories. For other cases it will be TEXT.


Guideline: Using in Yellowfin


Part 1: Setting Up

H2O is a modern open source AI platform that allows users to work with predictive models. You can download the latest version of H2O from here:
