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Fetch the details of an existing user from the application. This can also be used to check whether a user already exists. Retrieve user details by querying GET /api/rpc/users/user-details-by-username/{user-name} Get a User by Username.

The following examples illustrate how to retrieve an existing user (via username) in various programming languages.


Updating a user uses the same JSON model specified above. A model including the required changes can be consumed by PATCH /api/admin/users/{userId} Update a User, where the {userId} is the integer identifier, as returned by GET /api/rpc/users/user-details-by-username/{user-name}


A user’s role can be updated with the standard update end-point. This is done by setting the roleCode in the User JSON model when calling PATCH /api/admin/users/{userId} Update a User.

The following example introduces the GET /api/roles end-point to retrieve available roles. The example code will modify a user’s role to the first role returned by GET /api/roles.
