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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You can create rules on report columns and even canvas widgets to highlight or alter data when a match is made on the content. 

For example, you can make it so that if the profits on your monthly report hit a number greater than 500,000, that data will be highlighted with a blue colour.

Rules on Report Columns

While on the Conditional Formatting popup window, you can create rules with different types of styling. Yellowfin allows users to add three types of styles when rules are matched, as explained below:


This can be used to highlight the background colour in a matching cell. For example, you can make it so that if the profits on your monthly report hit a number greater than 500,000, that data will be highlighted with a blue colour.

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a column from the left side, on which the formatting will be applied


    Based on the data type of the column, the styling options will differ.

  2. Choose the Basic option from the Alert Type
  3. Select Cell from the Style dropdown
  4. Choose the type of comparison
  5. Click on the +Add Another Rule link; a new pop to format matching cells in the report will appear
    1. Start creating a rule by choosing an operator and then adding a value
    2. Set a style to highlight the matching cells

      IconStyle typeDescription
      BoldTo make the matching values appear bold.
      ItalicMake your values italic with this option.
      UnderlineAdd an underline to the matching values.
      Font colourChange the colour of the font.
      Background colourChange the background colour of the matching cell.

    3. Click on the Submit button to save the rule



This can be used to replace the text in a matching cell with an icon.

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a column from the left side, on which the formatting will be applied

  2. Choose the Basic option from the Alert Type

  3. Select Icon from the Style dropdown
  4. Choose the type of comparison
  5. Click on the +Add Another Rule link; a new pop popup to format matching cells in the report will appear
    1. Start creating a rule by choosing an operator and then adding a value
    2. Choose an icon
      Set a style to replace the matching cells with icons

      IconStyle typeDescriptionScreenshot
      Select iconChoose from a range of icons
      Image RemovedItalicMake your values italic with this option. 
      Image RemovedUnderlineAdd an underline to the matching values. 
      Image RemovedImage AddedFont colourChange the colour of the font. 
      Image Removed Background colourChange the background colour. 
      Image Removed
    3. Click on the Submit button to save the rule
      Image Added
    4. This icon will now appear wherever matched data is found in your report


Rules on Widgets