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LDAP server hostname or IP address


TCP/IP port that the LDAP server is listening on

EncryptionThe encryption method implemented by the LDAP server. (None, TLS, SSL)

LDAP Base Distinguishing Name (DN)

The LDAP node that all users and groups are contained within.

LDAP (Yellowfin User) Group

LDAP Group Name that identifies which users can log into Yellowfin. This group exists in the LDAP directory, not Yellowfin. Only members of this group will be able to login to Yellowfin.

LDAP Bind User

This is an LDAP User that the Yellowfin application uses to connect to the LDAP directory for search access, it must have rights to search the LDAP directory.

LDAP Bind Password

The LDAP Password required for the Yellowfin application to connect to the LDAP directory, associated with the LDAP Bind User defined above.

LDAP Search Attribute

This is a unique User Name field that LDAP users will login to Yellowfin with.

LDAP First Name Attribute

This maps to the First Name attribute of the user within the LDAP directory. This is so Yellowfin can match the user to a name and create an internal user account.

LDAP Surname Attribute

This maps to the surname attribute of the user within the LDAP directory. This is so that Yellowfin can match the user to a name and create an internal user account.

LDAP Email Attribute

This maps to the email address attribute of the user within the LDAP directory. This is so that Yellowfin can match the user to an email address for broadcast reports.

LDAP Role Attribute

This maps to a Yellowfin Role to be assigned to the user instead of the Default Role. See RoleCode in OrgRole table.

LDAP Group Filtering CriteriaCriteria used to filter a list of LDAP groups. Only groups returned in the filtered list will be passed to Yellowfin.
OrderingThis order in which internal authentication is performed. (LDAP Authentication First, Internal Authentication First)
