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 Yellowfin comes with a set of in-built transformation steps, but additional steps can also be incorporated that will apply data science models to data. This is done via special plug-ins available on the Marketplace that support numerous data science outputs such as PMML, PFA, R and H2O. Further transactions can also be performed on data by applying various functions through

The data transformation module is used to perform various types of transformations on data. These can be done via transformation steps or by carrying out functions directly on the data. Here is a breakdown of the different ways of performing transformations:

  • Built-in transformations: This refers to transformations in the transformation step panel that come included in the data transformation module.
  • Downloadable transformation step: Users can also download and install special data science model plug-ins from the Marketplace that become available in the transformation step panel.
  • Field transformations: This refers to functions that users can perform directly on the data (in the data preview panel or the configure panel).


Following is a list of all the transformations that you can perform on your data. Click on a transformation name to learn how to use it in your flow.
