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ContentResource Element

Data Type
















Mandatory parameter. The resource type for each of the content types:
  • RPTCATEGORY (Report category)
  • RPTSUBCATEGORY (Report subcategory)
  • DATASOURCE (Data source)
  • VIEW (View)
  • GROUP (Dashboard)
  • REPORT (Report)
  • ETLPROCESS (Transformation flow)






 Mandatory parameter. (Found in Yellowfin's database.)






Abstract class for Administration Service representation of a Yellowfin scheduled task. This class provides common functionality/data for all task schedules. Subclasses add more info for subclass-specific data, such as broadcast info, etc.

ParameterData TypeDescription


ScheduleFrequency[]An array object containing details of the schedule frequency type.
ScheduleActiveStringReturns whether or not the schedule is active. This does not indicate whether or not the schedule is currently running, but whether or not the schedule will be run when its next schedule time occurs
ScheduleDescriptionStringShort description of the schedule’s purpose. This will usually contain the name of the item that the schedule is for, such as report name, filter name, etc.
ScheduleUUIDStringThe UUID of the schedule generated by the system.
ScheduleTypeCodeStringThe schedule type of this record. ie. REPORTBROADCAST, SOURCEFILTERREFRESH, etc.
LastRunStatusStringThe status code of the last run of the schedule. This value is only updated after a schedule has completed, so it will contain the previous value if the schedule is currently running
LastRunErrorStringIf the last run ended in failure, then this field may contain an error which describes what happened
LastRunDateTimeGMTStringThe GMT DateTime of the last run of the schedule. Note that this is the time that the schedule was initiated.
NextRunDateTimeGMTStringBased on the current schedule settings, this returns the next time that this schedule will run, in GMT. Note that this value is not ‘live’, meaning it will not update until the server has received and validated the changes and returned a new schedule object.


Following are some of the sub classes of the AdministrationSchedule class:

AdministrationSchedule Sub ClassDescriptionFields
CompositeViewRefreshScheduleSchedule which represents the refresh task for a composite view.

This class contains the following fields:

  • ViewId: Returns the database ID of the composite view.
FilterGroupCacheRefreshScheduleRefresh task for a cached filter or filter group.

This class contains the following fields:

  • ViewId: Returns the database ID of the composite view.
  • FilterGroupId: Returns the database ID of the filter group.
RefCodeRefreshScheduleRefresh task for a custom reference code.

This class contains the following fields:

  • SourceId: Returns the database ID of the source which the reference code is being refreshed from.
ReportBroadcastScheduleBroadcast task for a report. Includes info about the broadcast report and recipients.

This class contains the following fields:

  • ReportId: Returns the ID of the report which is being broadcast.
  • Recipients: Returns an array of IDs for each recipient of the broadcast. Each entry can be a group or person ID.
  • Subject: Returns the subject line of the broadcast. Some broadcast types do not use this field.
  • AppendDate: Some broadcast types have the option of appending the broadcast date to the subject or filename, notedly FTP and EMAIL types.
  • BodyText: Returns the email body text for EMAIL broadcasts.
  • Format: Returns the broadcast output format code. HTML, PDF, etc.
  • ConditionList: Returns an array of Condition objects which represent complex broadcast conditions.
  • FailureNotificationGroup: Returns the ID of the group which will be notified when a broadcast fails.
  • BroadcastStartDate: Returns the date that the broadcast schedule is set to begin.
  • BroadcastEndDate: Returns the date that the broadcast schedule is set to end.
ReportFilterCacheRefreshScheduleRefresh task for a report cached filter.

This class contains the following fields:

  • ReportId: Returns the ID of the report which this cached filter is from.
ReportRefreshScheduleRefresh task for a report which does not get auto-run on load.

This class contains the following fields:

  • ReportId: Returns the ID of the scheduled report.
SourceFilterRefreshScheduleRefresh task for a source filter. Updating source filter values based on query from source.

This class contains the following fields:

  • SourceId: This may be either a data source ID or a report ID, depending on the source type.
  • SourceType: SOURCE or REPORT, specifies the type of object which SourceId points to.
SourceFilterUpdateReminderScheduleReminder task for updating source filter values. Sends a reminder to specified people on a schedule.

This class contains the following fields:

  • SourceId: Database ID of the data source which the source filter should be refreshed from.
ThirdPartySourceAutoRunScheduleAuto-run task for third-party data sources.

This class contains the following fields:

  • SourceId: Database ID of the third-party data source.





Base class for all frequency types. This class holds the database attributes for a frequency schedule. It is the responsibility of each subclass to provide user-friendly methods to set and get useful data based on the database value of each field.

E.g. Day of month is sometimes stored in frequency unit, and sometimes not, if the schedule type has day of month at all. The subclass will also enforce validation.


ParameterData TypeDescription


StringThe frequency type of this object. Used to determine the object type.
FrequencyCodeStringHas different meanings depending on the frequency type code.
FrequencyUnitIntegerHas different meanings depending on the frequency type code
LocalRunTimeIntegerReturns the seconds from midnight that this schedule will run (relative to this schedule's timezone). Note: Some schedule types do not use this property, notably MinutesFrequency.
LocalTimezoneCodeStringThe full time zone code (ie. AUSTRALIA/SYDNEY, etc.) that will be used to translate the specified local run time into the Yellowfin server's time.
DayOrdinalsStringOrdered list of day names which correspond to their ordinal values.


Following are some of the sub classes of the ScheduleFrequency class:

ScheduleFrequency Sub ClassDescriptionFields
AnnualFrequencyAt a set time on a specific day of a specific month of the year.

This class contains the following fields:

  • FrequencyCode: This frequency code should be the UPPERCASE English name of the month of the year that this schedule will run. eg JANUARY.
  • FrequencyUnit: Specifies the day of the month that this schedule will run.
BiannualFrequencyAt a set time on a specific day of two months spaced equally apart within the year. X month and (6 + X) month, with X being the 'MonthOfYear' property.

This class contains the following fields:

  • FrequencyCode: This frequency code should be the UPPERCASE English number-word for the first month of the year that this will run, eg. if the schedule should run January and July, value would be “ONE” (first month of the year, then plus 6 months). Highest value allowed is SIX.
  • FrequencyUnit: Specifies the day of the month that this schedule will run.
DailyFrequencyAt a set time every day. This class has no extra fields, as only localRunTime is necessary.


EndOfMonthFrequencyAt a set time on the last day of every month. This class has no extra fields, as only localRunTime is necessary.


FortnightlyFrequencyAt a set time on a specific day of the week, once every fortnight.

This class contains the following fields:

  • FrequencyCode: This frequency code should be the UPPERCASE English name of the day on which this schedule should run. E.g: “MONDAY”.
  • FrequencyUnit: Specifies the ordinal value of the day that is used above in frequencyCode. Note that the ordinal value must match the dayOrdinals constants provided. i.e. MONDAY=1, SUNDAY=0, etc.
MinutesFrequencyEvery X minutes.

This class contains the following fields:

  • FrequencyUnit: How many minutes between schedule runs.
MonthlyFrequencyAt a set time on a specific day of each month.

This class contains the following fields:

  • FrequencyUnit: Day of the month that this schedule will run.
QuarterlyFrequencyAt a set time on a specific day of either the first, second, or third month in each quarter.

This class contains the following fields:

  • FrequencyCode: This frequency code should be the UPPERCASE English number-word for the month of each quarter that this schedule will run, eg. if the schedule should run in the first month of each quarter, value would be “ONE”, so the schedule will run January, April, July & October. Highest value allowed is THREE.
  • FrequencyUnit: Specifies the day of the month that this schedule will run.
WeekdaysFrequencyAt a set time every weekday. This class has no extra fields, as only localRunTime is necessary. 
WeeklyFrequencyAt a set time on a specific day of the week.

This class contains the following fields:

  • FrequencyCode: This frequency code should be the UPPERCASE English name of the day of the week that this schedule will run, eg. “MONDAY”.
  • FrequencyUnit: Specifies the ordinal value of the day that is used above in frequencyCode. Note that the ordinal value must match the dayOrdinals constants provided. ie. MONDAY=1, SUNDAY=0, etc.


