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titleGeneral Settings



Support Email Address

Define the email address to receive support issue emails.

Email Notifications

Enable email notifications for various user events in the system.

Email Notification Display Name

Define the sender display name for Email Notifications.

Email Notification Address

Define the sender email address for Email Notifications.

Notification Settings

Enable the events to send users email notifications for:

  • User Account & Password Updates
  • Content Distribution
  • Comment Updates
  • Timeline Updates
  • Discussion Updates

Broadcast Display Name

Define the sender display name for Broadcast emails.

Broadcast Email Address

Define the sender email address for Broadcast emails.

Display Broadcast Filter ValuesDisplay the filter values applied to the report in the body of the broadcast email.

Recipient Search

Allow users to search for recipients in the user list when sending an email.

Broadcast Failure TaskA task will be created any time a broadcast fails to be sent.

Broadcast Failure Task Recipient

Select a group to receive broadcast failure tasks.

Send email in Background

Allow users to continue working in the system while an email is sent.

Include link in Broadcast

Include a link to the content in all broadcast types.

titleOutgoing Mail Server

Enable this option to use SSL Enable this option to use the STARTTLS command when The server must support this command



SMTP Server

Define the hostname or IP address of the outgoing mail server to be used to send emails.


Define the port to connect to the outgoing mail server on. Leave this blank to use the default SMTP port.

SMTP Authentication

Enable this option if your SMTP server requires authentication. You will then need to complete the following:

  • User Name
  • Password
  • Confirm Password
Email Size LimitDefine the maximum email content size (in megabytes) permitted to be broadcast.

Define how to use encryption when connecting to the outgoing mail server. Options include:

  • None: this option does not use encryption when connecting to the outgoing mail server. Connections use the SMTP protocol which has a default port of 25.
  • SSL: this option uses SSL encryption


  • when connecting to the outgoing mail server. The server must support SSL connections on the port specified above.


  • Connections use the SMTPS protocol (SMTP over SSL) which has a default port of 465.
  • STARTTLS: this option uses the STARTTLS command to enable SSL encryption after
  • connecting to the outgoing mail server.
  • Connections use the SMTP protocol with SSL or TLS encryption, and have a default port of 587.
Allow Invalid CertificateAllow connections to the outgoing mail server even if the SSL certificate is not valid. Warning: Only use this option if you trust the server.

Test Email Address

Define an email address to send a test email to.





titleAuthentication Method



User Authentication

Define whether system or LDAP authentication will be used during the login process.

See LDAP Authentication Configuration for more information.

titleLDAP Configuration




The Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server.


The TCP port that the LDAP service is listening on.


The encryption method implemented by the LDAP server.


The LDAP node that all users and groups are contained within.

LDAP Group

Only members of this group will be able to login to Yellowfin.

LDAP Bind User

An LDAP user with rights to search the LDAP directory.

LDAP Bind Password

The password for the LDAP Bind User defined above.

LDAP Search Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s Yellowfin username, entered by LDAP users at login.

LDAP First Name Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s first name.

LDAP Surname Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s surname.

LDAP Email Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s email address.

LDAP Role Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s Yellowfin role.

LDAP Group Filtering Criteria

Criteria used to filter a list of LDAP groups. Only groups returned in the filtered list will be passed to Yellowfin.


The order in which internal authentication is performed.

Test Connection

Test your LDAP connection with the settings defined above.

See LDAP AuthenticationConfiguration for more information.


titleClient Organisations



Client Organisation Functionality

Enable creation of multiple virtual instances within the system.

Global Annotations

Allow annotations created at the Primary Org to be viewed through any Client Orgs.
