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Key Performance Indicator. This is a figure used to monitor business performance, such as sales in dollars or units. Performance is tracked against a target and makes use of Conditional Formatting alerts.
See KPI Reports for more information.



This is when users work together to share insights into their data and the decision making process. Yellowfin provides features to assist the collaborative process including Comments, Discussions, and Annotations.
See Collaboration for more information.



Drill refers to the action performed by a user by clicking on a hyperlink in a report that either steps into more detail in the same report, or opens a separate detail report related to the row that was selected.
There are three forms of Drill available in Yellowfin; Drill DownDrill Anywhere, and Drill Through.
See Dashboard Drill Analysis for more information.


This is when a single instance of software runs to serve multiple clients or tenants. Yellowfin's multi-tenancy functionality is called Client Organisations.
See Client Organisations for more information.


Client Organizations

Yellowfin has functionality called Client Organisations which allows multiple virtual instances of Yellowfin to reside in the same server instance. This provides a way to create content isolated within one organisation, hidden from other organisation users logging into the same server. This is Yellowfin's Multi-Tenancy solution.
See Client Organisations for more information. 


JavaScript API

This is what allows Yellowfin content to be embedded in allows Yellowfin content to be embedded in external web pages. There is basic and advanced usage is basic and advanced usage options. 
End users can access the basic functionality through the Yellowfin interface by copying the generated embed javascript and pasting it in their external page. 
Advanced users and administrators can access the advanced functionality by following the examples outlined here
See JavaScript API for more information.


  1. User Prompt - these filters allow the user to define the value used
  2. Hard Coded - these filters have the value set at the report writing stage and cannot be changed by the report reader.
  3. Source - these filters are created by an administrator and use the report reader's user details to restrict results to what's relevant to them.

See Filters for more information

Conditional Formatting

This is formatting that is triggered when a condition is met. A rule is applied to a field in the report and special formatting, such as highlighting, is applied if the data matches the rule.
Basic rules can also be applied to charts.
See Conditional Formatting for more information.



Visit the glossary to learn about more Yellowfin terminologies.