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Table of Contents

Group List



This section describes how Groups are used within the application. Groups are a vital element of Yellowfin security and Broadcast processes. Groups assist users by allowing commons sets of people to be added in to general groups which can then be attached as a single entity to various elements within the application. Groups can be created and managed through the Admin Console. Once a group has been defined there are processes within Yellowfin that will automatically maintain members of a group on a regular basis.


Create Groups



To create a new Group either click the Add button at the bottom of the groups list in the Admin Console.


Group Details

You will now be taken to the Group Details page where you will have to provide the following:


  1. Name: enter a name for the group that will be used to identify it throughout the system.
  2. Description: enter a description for the group that will help define its intended use.
  3. Group Status: activate the group in order to use it throughout the system.
  4. Group Security: secure the group if you only wish group members to be able to make adjustments to the group.


Default Dashboards

If you wish to automatically add dashboard tabs to a user’s dashboard when they are created you can assign the default tabs for a user group. Choose the tab and click ‘add’ to add them to the list of tabs. The order you add tabs to a user group will be the order they are sorted on the dashboard (see the numbered list pictured below). All these tabs will be created for a new user when they first login to Yellowfin.


Note: this only adds tabs to new users when they are created, once added users can then remove these tabs if they desire. 

Group Members

To assign users to a group you will have to create member records. This is done by deciding how members should be assigned. To assign members you can either add in specific users or specific types of users. For example you could create a group that includes all users with the role of ‘Public Writer’. The following member types are available from within Yellowfin:


Once complete, click Save to add the group.


View Members



When viewing the Group List on the Admin Console, you can click on the number of members to view a list of users currently assigned to a group.


Edit Group



In order to make changes to a group definition, simply locate the group in the Admin Console and click on its name to access the Group Details page.


Delete Group



In order to delete a group definition, simply locate the group in the Admin Console and click on the x to the right of it. This will only remove the group, not the users assigned to it.


Content Approvers

Upon selecting a user group for content approval, all the group members will receive notification emails. Any of them may then approve or reject the content by following the approval process.



