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Property name



Name of the filter. This can be edited. This name appears in the dashboard code mode, making it easy to edit the filter code.

Auto height Automatically adjusts the height of a filter widget according to the items in it. Turn off to manually define the filter height in a textbox. This option is only available if a filter widget is added to a static container. Note that the widget heights can also be changed by manually dragging the widget border, in which case this option will get switched off.


Height of the filter in pixels. This is available if the Auto Height option is turned off.


Enable this toggle to make your filter lists globally available. Global filters are present for all sub tabs in the dashboard. So if disabled, this filter will only be available for a specific sub tab.

Note that this only works for left or right container filters, not filters added to a dashboard content area.


Enable this to display your filter in a horizontal alignment. By default filters are vertically aligned. 

Hide reset link

Allows you to hide the filter reset option.

Hide display nameAllows you to hide the filter display name.
Display nameDisplay name of the filter, that appears on the filter panel. This can be edited. 

Hide control panel

Allows you to hide control buttons on a filter panel for the end user. These include bookmark, reset, and apply buttons. Dashboard users will not be able to use these filter features.

Auto run filtersEnable this toggle to automatically run reports when filter values are selected or changed, without using the ‘Apply’ button.
Note: Administrators can also set a time delay, where the reports are run after a specified time once values are selected. This is done through the Content Settings > Report Settings > Builder Setting > Filter Run Delay setting.

Deleting Filter Reports

Filters added to the dashboard are created from a report. If that report is deleted, all of its filters and filter links will also be deleted from the dashboard. However users will be shown a warning to alert them to this.

Image Added

Click Delete if you would still like to delete the report.

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