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Drag filter panel

Click and drag this icon to move the filter panel to another location.


Filter properties panel

This button brings up the filter properties panel. Learn more.


Remove filter panel

Click on this button to delete the filter panel.


Link Filters

This button allows you to open set up for manually linking all or multiple filters. (A separate option is available to link individual filters.) Learn more. 


+ Filters

This button allows you to add user prompt report filters to the filter panel. Options include adding individual filters, or a filter group. Learn more.


Menu option

Click on this menu option to perform actions on this filter panel. Option includes:

  • Close: this option allows you to collapse the filter panel, maximising the amount of room allocated to the display of your report. The filters can always be accessed again by clicking on the left side navigation filter button.



The filter(s) added to this panel. Select a filter value or ‘all’ using the toggle (see below).


Select all

Enables users to select all filter options in a list filter. This appears only if you have a list.


Re-order filter

Use the  icon to drag and move a filter above or below another.


Individual filter menu

Brings up a menu for the selected filter. Option includes:

  • Entry Style: Specify how the filter entry values will be displayed for the user to select them. Learn more.
  • Link To: allows you to manually link an individual filter to other reports on the dashboard.
  • Delete: Delete the filter.


Dashboard filter bookmarks

Allows you to bookmark a filtered dashboards, or apply a saved bookmark. Learn more.


Refresh cached filters 

The button allows you to refresh cached filter values. Note that this button will only appear if your filter contains cached values.


Reset filter

Removes selected filter values to reset filters to their default values or no selection.



Allows you to apply selected filter values.  

Note: Features 11, 12, 13, and 14 together make up the filter control. These appear at the end of a filter panel by default, to be used by dashboard users.


  1. Click on the Filters icon on your dashboard builder to bring up the Filter Widget list.

  2. Then drag a Filter Widget onto the dashboard at the exact location you would like to display the filter. This includes anywhere on the dashboard canvas, or within any of the global content containers (essential for global filter lists). 
  3. A filter panel will appear on the location it was dropped. (Side note: click here for an overview of this filter panel). 
  4. Add report filters to this panel by clicking on the + Filters button.

  5. Choose Filter to add individual filters (you can add multiple as well), or Filter Group to add a filter group. (In our example, we will choose Filter.)
  6. A pop up displaying available report filters will appear. This allows you to choose which filters to add from any of the reports.
    Note: The filters in this popup are categorized, first according to the dashboard sub tab, and then reports within the tab.
    Note 2: If none of the reports contain any filters, then the following notification will appear on this popup. Click on the Add a report link to open the Reports tab on the left side.

  7. Click on one or more filter checkboxes to select those that you want to add. Alternatively, enable the Select All toggle to select all the filters on this pop up. You can undo this selection by choosing the Clear All.

  8. Click on the Add Filters button on the bottom of this pop up to add the filters. 

  9. The filters will then appear in the filter panel on the dashboard, as shown in the example below.

  10. Tip: To set default filter values, refer to this section

Add filter default values

You can set default values for your dashboard filters. refer to this section


Change filter entry display

Filter entries or values will appear on dashboards with the display style applied on them in the report. However, the entry display type of certain filters can be changed in the Dashboard builder, without having to change it in the report first. Entry styles can be changed to checkboxes, lists, pop-ups, drop downs or radio buttons, depending on the filter type.

This is possible if the report filter meets all of the following criteria:

  • The filter is formatted to display its values in the form of a list. Ensure that the Value Entry Method of the filter is selected as ‘Value List Selection’ in the report.
  • The filter is not a date filter with predefined or cached values.

How to change:

  1. Add the filters using the Filter Widget.
  2. Click on the ellipses Image Added button on an individual filter to bring up its menu, and select the Entry Style option.
  3. Choose the new entry style from the list of options.

    Image Added

  4. The filter entries will be instantly updated.


