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Comment: Updated for 9.3 release.


titleText Formats



Name Format

Specify the default format to be used when displaying a user’s full name in the system.

Middle InitialSpecify if the middle initial should be used in names by default.

Decimal Separator

Specify the default decimal separator character to be used in the system.

Thousand Separator

Specify the default thousand separator character to be used in the system.

Default Language Font

Specify the default language font to be used in the system if special language characters are required.

User Defined Language FontSpecify if users should be able to specify their preferred language font, rather using the system defined Default Language Font for PDF export settings.

CSV Character Set

Specify the default character set to be used when exporting reports to CSV format.

titleLanguage Settings



Multi-language Deployment

Enable Content Translation to allow advanced users to provide alternate text to be displayed for additional languages.


Specify the languages users may translate content to.

Copy Content TranslationEnable this toggle to copy translated content when making a copy of a report with it. If disabled, the copied report only contains the original content.


You can configure all authentication related settings here, including implementing LDAP authentication, Client Organizations, and password restrictions.

Image Removed

Decimal Separator Per Language

Toggle to activate an alternative decimal separator for each non-default user language set. Users will see this decimal separator in their language on any reports and charts they view, overriding the system-wide default for them.

Thousand Separator Per Language

Toggle to activate an alternative thousand separator for each non-default user language set. Users will see this thousand separator in their language on any reports and charts they view, overriding the system-wide default for them.

titleLanguage Settings



Multi-language Deployment

Enable Content Translation to allow advanced users to provide alternate text to be displayed for additional languages.


Specify the languages users may translate content to.

Copy Content TranslationEnable this toggle to copy translated content when making a copy of a report with it. If disabled, the copied report only contains the original content.


You can configure all authentication related settings here, including implementing LDAP authentication, Client Organizations, and password restrictions.

Image Added

titleGeneral Settings



Logon ID

Specify whether users log in to the system with an email address or username.

Allow External Access

Direct links to unsecured content can be shared with anyone.

Multiple Login Logic

Define what happens when a user tries to log in at one location, when they're already logged in somewhere else.

titleAuthentication Method



User Authentication

Define whether system or LDAP authentication will be used during the login process.

See 20709979 for more information.

See 20709979 for more information.

titleLDAP Configuration

The LDAP directory needs to be configured, if this is the selected user authentication method.




The Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server.


The TCP port that the LDAP service is listening on.


The encryption method implemented by the LDAP server.


The LDAP node that all users and groups are contained within.

LDAP Group

Only members of this group will be able to login to Yellowfin.

LDAP Bind User

An LDAP user with rights to search the LDAP directory.

LDAP Bind Password

The password for the LDAP Bind User defined above.

LDAP Search

titleGeneral Settings



Logon ID

Specify whether users log in to the system with an email address or username.

Allow External Access

Direct links to unsecured content can be shared with anyone.

Multiple Login Logic

Define what happens when a user tries to log in at one location, when they're already logged in somewhere else.

titleAuthentication Method



User Authentication

Define whether system or LDAP authentication will be used during the login process.

titleLDAP Configuration

The LDAP directory needs to be configured, if this is the selected user authentication method.




The Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server.


The TCP port that the LDAP service is listening on.


The encryption method implemented by the LDAP server.


The LDAP node that all users and groups are contained within.

LDAP Group

Only members of this group will be able to login to Yellowfin.

LDAP Bind User

An LDAP user with rights to search the LDAP directory.

LDAP Bind Password

The password for the LDAP Bind User defined above.

LDAP Search Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s Yellowfin username, entered by LDAP users at login.

LDAP First Name Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s first name.

LDAP Surname Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s surname.

LDAP Email Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s email address.

LDAP Role Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s Yellowfin role.username, entered by LDAP users at login.

LDAP First Name Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s first name.

LDAP Surname Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s surname.

LDAP Email Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s email address.

LDAP Role Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s Yellowfin role.

LDAP Group LDAP Group Filtering Criteria

Criteria used to filter a list of LDAP groups. Only groups returned in the filtered list will be passed to Yellowfin.


The order in which internal authentication is performed.

Map LDAP Group to a Yellowfin Role

When enabled, LDAP user’s roles are updated directly in Yellowfin based on their LDAP group.

Test Connection

Test your LDAP connection with the settings defined above.

See 20709979 for more information.


titlePassword Settings

Define the number of hours Yellowfin will remember a user's credentials



Password Length Restrictions

Define the minimum and maximum character length for user passwords.

Password Requirements

Enable any special password requirements for user passwords. These can include requiring:

  • At least one number
  • At least one letter
  • At least one upper case letter
  • At least one lower case letter
  • At least one special character
  • Password must be different from last

Password Attempts Limit

Define the maximum number of password attempts a user may have before the account is locked.

Show Forgot Password Link

Display the Forgot Password Link on the login page so users can request a password reset. This option requires Email Notifications to be enabled in the Email Settings tab.

Login Autocomplete

Allow browsers to cache passwords on the login screen.
This option has been removed.

See for more information.

Remember Me

Display the Remember Me option on the login page so users can set Yellowfin to remember their credentials for a set period of time.

Remember Me

Display the Remember Me option on the login page so users can set Yellowfin to remember their credentials for a set period of time.

Remember Me Period

If 'Remember Me' is enabled, this defines the number of hours Yellowfin will remember a user's credentials.

Password Expiry PolicyWhen enabled, set an expiry duration for user passwords, and each user will receive an email requesting they update their password 10 days before it expires. If a user does not log in before their password expires, they will be prompted to reset their password at next login before they gain access to the system.
Note: this option is not available for LDAP users as their password management is handled by LDAP.
Password Expiry AgeThe number of days that a user's password is valid. This value to can be set to any number of days and begins counting down from the day after a user's current password is set

Remember Me Period



You can configure integration settings that allow you to customize panels in Yellowfin, including Headers, Footers, and Toolbars.
