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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Content Export

  • Enabled custom fonts to be used in PDF exports.
  • Upgraded PDF encryption to AES 256-bit, with a configuration option available to revert to the old RC4 128-bit scheme (more info on config option).
  • Enabled PDF exports for Stories.
  • Implemented the ability to execute exports in the background and email the export when it’s ready.
  • Simplified the configuration of PDF export so that the External Base URL is no longer required.


  • Enabled content approval for dashboards and presentations.
  • Re-implemented linked data on dashboards and streamlined the process so that all possible fields are already enabled and listed into a single dropdown list.
  • Reinstated the option to toggle how a multi-chart canvas report displays (as chart or table) on a published dashboard.


  • Added Kerberos support for Oracle databases.
  • Resolved an issue where users with older JDBC drivers, including Oracle ojdbc5.jar, could not see the Schema dropdown list.
  • Enabled support for Redshift Spectrum tables.
  • Added support for GEOGRAPHY and GEORGRAPHYPOINT in MemSQL data sources.


  • Enabled groups defined at the Primary Org to be used for securing content at Client Orgs. Group membership defined by role or LDAP will give access at the Client Orgs where those users have access.
  • Enabled the display of members of client-visible Primary Org groups in the Admin Console at Client Orgs.
  • Added a Super User role that allows users with the role to view, edit and delete all content (learn more here and here).
  • Added a role function to optionally disable file uploads in discussion comments.
  • Added functionality to allow guest users to read Stories.
  • Upgraded performance for loading access level information when a system has tens of thousands of users.
  • Improved security through validation to prevent potential SQL injections in Freehand SQL calculated fields.
  • Improved security for XML-related processes to avoid XXE attacks.
  • Improved email security by adding an option to allow password resets via email links, avoiding potential DoS, and by modifying the on-screen confirmation message to prevent username enumeration.
  • Added a cooling-down period between emails sent from Yellowfin to avoid denial of service.
  • Implemented a new security parameter to prevent URL titles from being fetched when sharing links in a discussion.
  • Upgraded log4j, the library used for logging, from 1.2.17 to 2.13.3. The minimum supported Servlet spec has been changed from 2.3 to 3.0 (learn more via this KB article).
  • Added error logging to identify corrupt data in the contentmanagement table.
  • Improved file type validation for the Add Reference Code feature which allows for CSV file uploads.
  • Added a background task to clean up thumbnails of deleted reports.


  • Added functionality to embed a Story externally.
  • Added functionality to allow developers to add custom loaders through the JavaScript API (learn more).


  • Added an API info endpoint to the REST API for version info and better navigation to some previously-unlinked endpoints and top-level resources.
  • Added API version info to the System Information page in the UI.
  • Improved the REST API refresh token and single sign on responses so they now return token identifiers in the security token response model.
  • Improved error handling for the REST API to return error messages in standard JSON format.
  • Added handling for reading the requested REST API Version from custom header X-API-Accept, for clients who are not able to set/modify the Accept header.
  • Updated REST API version to 1.2.


  • Improved UI text by:
    • wrapping the View field details in the Select View area of the New Report dialog box;
    • displaying long filter values via tooltips rather than overlapping text; and
    • Improving the Table Summaries fields text in reports.
  • Enhanced bookmarks for dashboard filter sets to align with the functionality of bookmarks for reports.
  • Improved the distinction between the icons for draft and active Themes.


  • Added new indexes and made performance improvements to the View Import and View Activation processes.

Web Services

  • Added datasource UUID to the resources returned by the GETCONTENT web service.



Content Export

  • Resolved several layout issues that would:
    • cause conditional formatting to overflow into the header of the following table's header if a page break occurred through a cell that was suppressing duplicates;
    • cause the background color on subtotal rows to overflow into the following table's header when a page break was present;
    • cause incorrect display of percentage bars in PDF exports;
    • cause crosstab table columns to overlap during PDF export; and, 
    • prevent line, shape and image widgets from aligning correctly during PDF export.
  • Resolved an issue where exporting a report to PDF with a company logo enabled would cause an error.
  • Resolved an issue where PDF export settings would not be saved for future use.
  • Resolved an issue where the default Admin Console setting for page orientation in the PDF export would not apply.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause PDFs intended for landscape export to actually be exported as portrait.
  • Resolved an issue where the Shrink to Fit option on PDF table exports would omit hyperlinks.
  • Resolved an issue with hyperlink formatting defaults for PDF exports.
  • Resolved an issue that would incorrectly include duplicate cell values during export to XLSX.


  • Re-enabled content translation to dashboards in published mode from the drop-down menu on the tab bar.
  • Resolved an issue where setting a broadcast to use Current Filter Values on a dashboard report would in some cases not apply the current filter values.
  • Resolved an issue where the filter lists did not import correctly on dashboards when no filters were turned on inside the lists.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause brush and drill filter linking to break when importing a dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue which would sometimes mismatch links when importing dashboards containing drill down hierarchies linked to filters.
  • Resolved an issue where dashboard filter values would not be applied in Assisted Insights.
  • Resolved an issue where applying font formats to lists in dashboards would not always reflect the right style in the bullet or number.
  • Resolved an issue which would display dashboard report menus and the Maximize Report option within them — even if turned off in role permissions.
  • Resolved an issue where removing and adding widgets would break brushing links.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent brushing links in dashboards from working when the origin report was a trellis or heat grid chart.


  • Resolved an issue where Oracle error ORA-01795 would occur when adding an access filter to a data source with more than 1000 associated view elements.
  • Resolved an issue where some components of Yellowfin would not work with custom authentication adapters.


  • Reinstated events that had been removed for dashboard in 9.2.2 (DASHBOARD, DASHCREATE, DASHPUBLISH, DASHADD, DASHCOPY, DASHACTIVATE and DASHREMOVED).
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a user with a duplicate email address from being updated when skipEmailDupCheck was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause multiple user accounts to be created on first login with LDAP when using Edge, Chrome or IE.
  • Resolved an issue where the Multiple Sessions and Password Reset pages would not work if the configuration option Multiple Login Logic was set to Ask and the context path was not set to ROOT.
  • Resolved a potential XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability within the report name in Report Builder.
  • Resolved a role issue where users could not create a dashboard when the role function for 'Disable Add Existing Tab' was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue in the Admin Console that would not update the count of dashboards accessed in the past 30 days.


  • Improved HIDEJSAPIDETAILS functionality to hide all details about the server and version of Yellowfin being run (learn more).


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent certain dates from being saved as a hardcoded filter.
  • Resolved an issue that would incorrectly update filter values set to 'Current Values’ in a share link, rather than preserving the value used at the time the link was created.
  • Resolved an issue that would not pass linked filters to co-display or tabbed reports.
  • Resolved an issue with linked filters where the combination of a filter using Pre-Defined Date Period with a filter that doesn't use it would cause an error if the child filter had no default filter value.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause an error when Minimum/Maximum Value was selected from the Report filter list.
  • Resolved an issue where a date time filter with an EQUAL operator would use BETWEEN in some SQL databases.
  • Resolved an issue where editing a report would automatically re-enable the filtering setting Remember Filter Values each time.
  • Resolved an issue with field matching logic where importing a view with a view-level filter named the same as an existing field in the existing view would cause the report to break.
  • Resolved an issue where removing multiple fields from a report could cause an exception on tables with a large number of columns.
  • Resolved an issue where altering report column fields would not update the related canvas text widget references.
  • Resolved an issue with analytic functions where adding a section to a report would cause an incorrect field reference.
  • Resolved an issue where drill down links could be created with reports where drill down was disabled.
  • Resolved an issue where a union joined report would fail with back-end exceptions.
  • Resolved an issue with duplicate values when Stored Procedure was added as a Subquery.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent Boolean filters from rendering on dashboards.
  • Resolved a CSS issue that would sometimes hide the filter refresh icon on dashboards.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent reports refreshing when the 'Disable Report Preview' option was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented a warning message from displaying when deleting a child dashboard in a drill through from report to dashboard relationship.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause missing icon placeholders to appear on the toggles of the Dashboard Properties panel in Firefox.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the Share pop-up from displaying when a parameter was enabled on a dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue that caused long-running reports to the timeline to reload even when opened from the timeline notification.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the Timeline and Email menu options on the Long Running Report menu from being hidden.
  • Resolved an issue where Save to Disk was missing as a broadcast type option.
  • Resolved an issue where widget options would not refresh on sub-tabs when switching between static and canvas layouts.
  • Resolved an issue where having multi-tab enabled while passing an internal dashboard link to the Go To URL action of a widget would cause a loading error.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause extra dialog boxes to appear when creating a new access filter via the Access Filter Record tab.
  • Resolved an issue that would unintentionally empty the search box of text after performing a search and adding or removing a calculated field to a report.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the Filter Setup menu from opening on a dashboard that contained a report that the user had no access to.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent password resets when multi-tab and the CSRF filter were used together.
  • Resolved an issue where a brand new user would need to refresh the browser manually if creating and deleting an empty dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue where columns hidden to custom user roles on the Browse page would be displayed.
  • Resolved an issue on the Browse page that would allow users to see views in a restricted folder.
  • Resolved an issue where dashboard personal broadcasts would not appear in the Personal Broadcasts area of the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue in the Browse page where selecting multiple drafts would not display the pop-up menu of options.
  • Resolved an NPE error that would occur when trying to view the activity stream on presentations or themes from the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause an internal error if repeatedly duplicating a slide with images.
  • Resolved an issue

    where creating a dashboard from the plus button in the top right corner would prevent the More menu from working.

    for client orgs where the More button on the toolbar would not open when editing a dashboard if the Navigation Style admin option was configured to Top Toolbar rather than Left Side Navigation

  • Resolved an issue that would cause the Dashboard Display Unit of client orgs to always use the Default Org Unit when setting dashboard width.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent filters from resetting when they were linked to reports with more than two drill down levels.
  • Resolved an issue where filter groups could not be deleted from their respective filter lists.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent reselection of filter panels in the dashboard after they had been toggled off.
  • Resolved an issue where clicking on a sub-tab of a dashboard of a presentation already in Fullscreen mode would cause the sub-tab to scale incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause some search bars to be styled incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue which would cause rendering problems when editing or viewing canvas dashboards.
  • Resolved an issue where a chart with variance could not be deleted.
  • Resolved an issue that would hide canvas filter lists when there was customized HTML added to the HTML tab of Code Mode.
  • Resolved an issue that would disable report exports on a dashboard when embedded via the JS API.


  • Resolved an issue where a view would be processed for migration of signals entities even if there were no valid signals or signal configurations when importing or saving the view.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the creation of Freehand SQL views using Hive.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause drill down links to filters to break when editing a view using the clone view method.

Web Services

  • Refactored the use of the client org parameter in the user admin web service GETALLUSERS (learn more).
  • Resolved an issue where IMPORTCONTENTNOVALIDATION would cause an error 42 when trying to import older version import files via SOAP.
