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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




  • Resolved an issue where, after exporting to PDF and sending via email, Yellowfin would continue to check for export activity.
  • Resolved a performance issue when rendering a large amount of cached filter values into a report or dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue that could sometimes cause high CPU usage when running reports and receiving export notifications.
  • Resolved a latency issue that would prevent chart color defaults in the Admin area from saving.
  • Removed unused jQuery resources after upgrades.
  • Resolved an issue where the command line installer would incorrectly state that it had installed the tutorial data.
  • Resolved an issue where upgrading from Yellowfin 7 would cause the Browse page to hang.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause an upgrade from Yellowfin 8.0.8 to halt if the license file could not be found.
  • Resolved an issue where a license with multicast disabled would affect the user's ability to use webservices when saving reports.
  • Resolved an issue where a license with concurrent mode disabled would give an incorrect licence breach warning.
  • Improved security by implementing a feature that allows the two-way encryption key to be replaced with a custom key.
  • Resolved a potential security vulnerability with the activity stream.
  • Resolved a potential security vulnerability when exporting reports to PDF and DOCX formats.
  • Resolved a potential security issue with the translation import/export page.
  • Resolved a potential security issue when adding users through the User Import window.
  • Resolved a potential security vulnerability in the Story Editor and its controls.
  • Addressed a potential XSS issue with custom header and footer includes.
  • Resolved a potential access control issue on private discussion streams.
  • Resolved an issue that would allow edit access to views stored in a secure folder.
  • Added a nonce to every application request to prevent duplicate submissions (learn more).
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an unexpected error when performing chart brushing when Yellowfin was installed on an HSQL configuration database.
  • Resolved an issue where Datasource Creation and Datasource Edit actions would fail when the datasource contained thousands of schemas.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause certain reference code synchronisation jobs to fail.
  • Resolved an issue where client orgs would not display Signals analyses based on the views from the primary org.


  • Resolved an issue where applying a Boolean filter with a BigQuery data source would cause an error to appear.
  • Resolved an issue where BigQuery filters would throw SQL errors if they contained apostrophes.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause a "resource exhausted" error in the Google Sheets connector (learn more).


  • Resolved an issue with the Yellowfin JS API, which would overwrite any other copies of jQuery with the global copy included with the JS API.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent CSS from loading within the JS API with certain proxy and firewall configurations.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent signal lists from displaying properly when embedded in the JS API.

REST API/Web Services

  • Resolved an issue where the TESTIMPORTCONTENTNOVALIDATION web service call would still perform validation.
  • Resolved an issue where client organization substitute data sources would be hidden when using SOAP services and the REST API.
  • Resolved an issue with the SOAP web service function SAVECONFIGURATION which would not update for a few specific configurations.


  • Resolved an issue where importing an older report would fail if a chart had multiple reference lines with multiple colors defined.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause bulk user imports to fail on Yellowfin instances using Oracle databases.
  • Resolved an issue where filter links on a dashboard with code mode could break when imported.
  • Resolved an issue where importing code mode dashboards with images could lead to the wrong ID for some images, breaking their display.
  • Resolved an issue with transformation flows where a large delimited file could not be extracted.
  • Resolved an issue with ETL item import that could prevent reports from being editable.

Content Export

  • Resolved an issue where switching export types via the popup would stop an export.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause special characters in HTML fields to be exported to XLS as HTML entities (eg, “á” instead of “á”).
  • Resolved an issue where exporting a co-display tabbed report to some formats would export only the content from the first tab.
  • Resolved an issue where the “shrink to fit page width” setting would not shrink for co-display report exports.
  • Resolved an issue with some versions of Java that would prevent the PDF exporter from starting.
  • Resolved an issue where switching export types via the popup would stop an export.
  • Resolved some layout issues for PDF exports which would cause:
    • early page breaks on some pages;
    • excess whitespace when the “Scale to Fit Page Width” option was enabled;
    • certain images to be misplaced on a canvas when shrink to fit was enabled;
    • some SVG images to be rendered at low resolution;
    • some table borders to go missing;
    • the view summary to go missing when using a preferred PDF font;
    • the report title and description to be wrapped at report width (rather than page width);
    • blank PDFs when exporting the first slide in a presentation with the Export Slides ‘Current’ radio button selected;
    • some translated words on charts to appear in their original language; and,
    • row-based reports on dashboards to go missing.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause reports to export as blank PDFs on some Java versions.


  • For customers upgrading to 9.6, we switched on the ‘Show Duplicate Records’ toggle for all drag and drop views to avoid excess preview processing times.
  • Resolved an issue that would stop a valid view-level calculated filter from being saved.
  • Resolved an issue with view-level cached filter group filters, which would not automatically link correctly when added to a filter list.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the Show Duplicate Records toggle from functioning in views.
  • Resolved an issue where a view-level Freehand SQL calculated filter could not be saved after editing.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the download of view summaries for SQL views.
  • Added an optional configuration for Yellowfin to create SQL statements with views created from an identical data source to resolve a 7.1 upgrade issue where queries would display incorrect data.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent users with only the Personal Dashboard role function enabled from creating private dashboards.
  • Resolved an issue where cloning a view used by a report on a dashboard would not update the dashboard filter settings.
  • Resolved an issue where filters applied on the dashboard would be cleared after reloading the page.
  • Resolved an issue where an enabled Dependent Values option in a filter hierarchy would have no effect on the child filter value list when switching back to a dashboard tab with previously applied parent filters.


  • Resolved an issue that would cause a user to lose read access to reports if private report sharing was disabled in the user’s role.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause Freehand SQL reports to automatically suppress duplicate cells.
  • Resolved an issue where manually sorting the order of a table column would cause the new order to persist even after resetting it.
  • Resolved an issue where reports created by the Google Analytics connector would cause system errors.
  • Resolved an issue where nulls would only display as zeros on column totals when “Nulls as Zeros” column formatting was enabled for cross tab reports.
  • Resolved an issue with the Division By Column(s) advanced function which would treat a calculation result of zero as null.
  • Resolved an issue where a drill through to a report would not work after switching sub tabs and returning.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the display of a report drill through link when the target report used an advanced user prompt filter.
  • Resolved an issue where drill through report settings could not find sub query filters from the target report.


  • Resolved an issue where previously applied filter values would not be cleared when a bookmark was applied.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the option to use min/max values for cached filters from saving.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent filter values from being obtained for reports created from Freehand SQL views with access filters enabled.
  • Resolved an issue with Drill Through to Dashboard that would cause both the values of a Between filter to be read as one value.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a drill through link from being set when using a default child value for a mandatory filter.
  • Resolved an issue where the operators ”In List” and “Not In List” would not accept a filter value of zero.
  • Resolved an issue where using action buttons to reset a “between” filter would not fully reset the filter results.
  • Resolved an issue where report filters would automatically replace custom regional decimal separators with default full-stops.


  • Resolved an issue where custom colors would not show on multi pie charts.
  • Resolved an issue where custom color series would not work on a cross tab-based chart when using a Date Part formatted value.

JS Charts

  • Resolved an issue where dynamically scaled JavaScript charts would fail to render correctly when published.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause JavaScript charts to disappear on the chart canvas.


  • Resolved an issue where a broadcast would stop sending content to any remaining valid recipients after encountering a single failed delivery address.
  • Resolved an issue where broadcast schedule jobs would sometimes be marked as successful despite some of the reports failing to run.
  • Resolved a timing issue in the Task Scheduler which would cause duplicate task runs in a clustered environment.

User Interface

  • Resolved an issue where an "unsaved changes" warning would show when switching from the Email tab to another tab on the Configuration page in a newly added client organization.
  • Resolved an issue in user group management where clicking the Add button for a dashboard tab before selecting a tab would cause an error.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause the top button on the navigation menu to overlap with other buttons when a user’s profile was disabled.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause some specific escaped characters to be displayed.
  • Resolved an issue where the yellow Create button would disappear after opening the screenshot option from the activity stream.
  • Resolved an issue that would not count dashboards, discussion streams or transformation flows the count stories and views in the favorites count on the timeline.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause the timeline Connections panel to omit the display of contacts followed.
  • Resolved an issue where license reminder values would not load correctly on the license reminder page.
  • Resolved an issue where a broken content folder could cause the New Folder pop-up to omit the Folder Hierarchy section.
  • Resolved an issue where the export search would not work if there was a broken content folder in the system.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent client organisation reports from launching if CSRFFilter was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue where discussion streams could not be deleted.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent comment and task deletion from discussions with list view layouts.
  • Resolved an issue where editing a task comment from the discussion panel would not open the popup for editing.
  • Resolved an issue with an incorrectly labeled button when saving views as drafts.
  • Resolved an issue where the field list in the Field Settings dialog box of the view builder would disappear after a failed attempt to delete a column.
  • Resolved an issue where changing an action button font could cause vertical misalignment.
  • Expanded the maximum width of custom formatting labels to prevent overlaps in other languages.
  • Resolved a hover icon display issue where the chart/report toggle icon on a dashboard would default to show the chart image.
  • Resolved an issue where presentations would be displayed upon login instead of the dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue where resizing a dashboard canvas with the drag handle would display on the screen but would not be saved.
  • Resolved an issue that could sometimes cause an error when loading a dashboard page.
  • Resolved an issue where displaying the page title, user and role information in the header would cause whitespace when viewing dashboards on an iPhone.
  • Resolved an issue where an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar would be present in Dashboard Edit mode.
  • Resolved an issue where selecting ‘shrink to fit’ on a dashboard tab would inadvertently set the dimensions to zero.
  • Resolved an issue where the word ‘Reports’ would incorrectly display when selecting other content types to add to a dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue where dashboards would not respect custom widths set for report columns (read more).
  • Resolved an issue that would cause long reports to overflow their bounding box on static layout dashboards when the Auto Height option was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause breadcrumbs to work incorrectly on a co-display report with drill through enabled.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent filter list display names from being renamed or hidden in real time when editing dashboards.
  • Resolved an issue where drill through popups would not display in full-screen dashboard mode.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause report tabs with long translations in other languages to overlap in edit mode.
  • Resolved an issue where a secondary scroll bar would appear in the Create Simple Report View pop-up.
  • Resolved an issue where operands breadcrumbs would sometimes display incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause subtotal rows to display the title text from the row above.
  • Resolved an issue where a row highlight color set in the report builder could not be removed.
  • Resolved an issue where the value list display limit would be ignored for checkbox filters.
  • Resolved an issue with a missing scrollbar for filters with more than twenty options displayed as radio buttons.
  • Improved the layout of long-width filters and their control buttons.
  • Resolved an issue where drill down to filter links would not refresh when drilling up multiple levels using breadcrumb navigation.
  • Improved the display of left-side filters on dashboards by realigning the magnifying glass.
  • Resolved an issue where filters could not be applied on a dashboard if the Apply button style was configured to be a link instead of a button.
  • Updated the descriptive texts for report filter settings, which were around the wrong way.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause text filters to set cursor focus to the bottom filter on page load.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause long-running reports to run without providing the user with options to cancel or to run it in the background.
  • Resolved an issue where the PDF export panel would not render correctly for the older (V1) PDF plugin.
  • Added a loading indicator to the report broadcast page while broadcast instances are loading.
  • Resolved an issue where broadcast failure notifications would not activate when enabled through the Administration settings.
  • Resolved an issue where story screenshots would render partially transparent.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause slide thumbnails to break when flicking through slides too quickly.
  • Removed an unnecessary warning for presentations without reports on the import/export page.
  • Updated some UI text inconsistencies on pop-up displays and when returning to a presentation from a report that would incorrectly display “Dashboard” instead of “Presentation”.
  • Resolved an issue where changing the UI language would not update the language or the total color on a waterfall chart.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause sectioned charts to appear without a scrollbar on dashboards, making all other sections of the report unreachable.
  • Resolved an issue which would cause long time zone text to overlap the down arrow next to it in step 2 of a Signals Analysis.


  • Updated the German phrasing for "Present" in our German translation file.
  • Resolved an issue where the run errors for broadcast failure messages would sometimes show a resource string rather than translated text.
  • Resolved an issue where delimiters would be displayed with translated text.
