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The CSV needs to have security defined in order to specify who can/cannot access and create reports based on the import. The security options defined here will be applied to the View that Yellowfin creates based on the CSV import. This will effect who can see the View listed on the Create Report page.


titleClick to Expand Details


All users with functional access to data source the CSV is imported into can write reports against this CSV table.

Edit Restricted

Only specified users will be able to create reports using this CSV table. All other users will be able to read the reports created by other users on this table, as long as they have the correct report and category access permissions. Users will need to be specified either by their name or User Group, along with assigning Read, Edit, or Delete access levels to them.


Only specified users will be able to read and/or write reports using this CSV table. Users will need to be specified either by their name or User Group, along with assigning Read, Edit, or Delete access levels to them.


This menu allows to define meta data and other options relating to the View that Yellowfin will create from the CSV file at the end of the import process.



titleClick to Expand Details


This will be the name of the CSV View that Yellowfin will create at the end of the import process. This is how report writers will identify it in the list of views on the Create Report step.


This will be the description of the CSV View that Yellowfin will create at the end of the import process. This should contain information about what's contained in the CSV, which report writers will have access to in the list of views on the Create Report step.

Default Cache Period

This will allow you to define the number of hours queried data based on this CSV should be stored in cache for reuse by other users. 0 will result in no queries being cached.

View Row Limit

This will allow you to define the maximum number of rows to be returned in reports based on this CSV.

Add Fields

This menu allows you to choose from one of the available options in order to create a new field, based on existing fields from the CSV. These functions will not change the existing fields, only create new ones to store the result of the calculation or conversion.


Formula Builder

This allows you to create calculations using either the Calculated Field option, or the Grouped Values option.

Formula Templates

This allows you to create advanced calculations based on pre-defined formulas.

Date Conversion

This allows you to convert a non-standard format date field (one Yellowfin doesn't recognise as a date by default) to a recognised date/time field, by specifying its format.

Timestamp Conversion

This allows you to convert values stored in Java time format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, GMT) to timestamps.

Numeric Conversion

This allows you to convert fields recognised as text by Yellowfin, that contain numeric values, to numeric fields.

Create Report


