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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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  1. First row containing the label for the level.
  2. Second row containing labels for each alias column, labels for the point and polygon columns should not be included.
  3. Remaining rows containing:
    1. Columns containing aliases (there can be as many aliases for a particular level as you require. Some levels may have one or two different aliases, but others may have several).
    2. If the CSV is not the top level of the hierarchy it must now have a column containing the alias value of the level directly above it that the row belongs to in order to link it to the level above.
      Note: as each level can have more than one alias, the linking aliases are defined in the metadata file described later.
    3. One Column containing a centroid Point.
    4. One Column containing Polygons (this can be left completely empty if polygons are not required or available for the level, but if it's populated, all rows must contain a polygon, no blanks will be accepted).




Naming Convention

This CSV file, containing demographic values for the bottom level of the hierarchy, must use the same common name used by the Hierarchy CSVs, suffixed with an underscore and the word "demo".


In the case of the Australian GeoPack we're creating, the CSV Demographic file will be called:

  1. auspack_demo.csv - this will contain the Suburb demographic values.

File Format

The demographic data included in packs explore various values associated with census demographics available in the geographic area. The CSV will need to contain data in the following structure:

  1. First row containing a list of demographic labels.
  2. Remaining rows containing values for each demographic, as well as an additional column to specify which value in the bottom level of the hierarchy they belong to.


In this example, we will need to link our demographic information to the bottom of our hierarchy, the Suburb level. As our bottom level only has one alias, we'll use that to identify each row, if there were multiple available we would have to select one to use throughout. Either way we will need to specify this link in the metadata file, described later.

Code Block

"Population", "Median Income"
14308, 75000, "Sydney CBD"
28371, 60000, "Melbourne CBD"
etc ...

Metadata File



Naming Convention

This CSV file, containing linking information about the other CSVs, must use the same common name used by the other CSV files, with no suffix.


In the case of the Australian GeoPack we're creating, the CSV Metadata file will be called:

  1. auspack.csv - this will contain the information on how each of the other CSV files are linked together.

File Format

The metadata included in this file must define how each of the hierarchy and demographic CSVs are linked so that the pack is correctly generated.

  1. First rows contain links between the hierarchy CSVs. There will be one row for each child level.
  2. Second last row containing links between the bottom level of the hierarchy and the demographic CSV.
  3. Last row containing how each of the demographic metrics should be aggregated. The values available are "AVG", "SUM", "MAX", and "MIN". These should be listed in the same order the fields are listed in the demographic CSV.


Code Block

2, 2
1, 3
2, 3

