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titleReport Export Defaults

Export to CSVAllow users to export report results to CSV by default.

Export to DOCX

Allow users to export report results to DOCX by default.
Export to PDFAllow users to export report results to PDF by default.

Export to XLSX

Allow users to export report results to XLSX by default.

titlePDF DOCX Export Defaults



Page Size

Select the default paper size to be used for PDF exports.

Page Orientation

Select the default paper orientation to be used for PDF exports.

Shrink to Fit Page Width

Define if content should be shrunk to fit on a page, or displayed as is - possibly cutting content if too large.

Header Height

Define the default height (pixels) of page headers in PDF exports.

Footer Height

Define the default height (pixels) of page footers in PDF exports.

Scale Images

Display images at their full resolution or scale them down to avoid them being cut off if too large.

Maximum Image Width

Define the maximum image width (pixels) for use in PDF exports.

Maximum Image Height

Define the maximum image height (pixels) for use in PDF exports.

Report Section Page Break

Define whether each Report Section will start directly below the end of the previous section in a PDF export or on the next page.

Co-Display Report Page Break

Define whether each Co-Display Report will start directly below the end of the previous section in a PDF export or on the next page.

PDF Password

Define a password to be used to secure PDF exports. (Optional)


Conditional Formatting Icon Export

If your report uses conditional formatting to display icons instead of data, enabling this option will ensure that those icons are exported. Disabling this option will ignore any conditional formatting and instead use the original data values.

titleDOCX Export Defaults



Conditional Formatting Icon Export

If your report uses conditional formatting to display icons instead of data, enabling this option will ensure that those icons are exported. Disabling this option will ignore any conditional formatting and instead use the original data values.


titleCSV Export Defaults



Line DelimitedDelimiter

This setting might be useful when working with third-party tools which may require a specific carriage return type to correctly process CSV files. Set your default carriage return here. Select from CR, CRLF and LF. This setting can be overridden during manual/ad-hoc CSV exports.
