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Table of Contents







There are two styles of system navigation available in Yellowfin; Left Side Navigation, and Toolbar Navigation. The option used within your system is defined by an Administrator on the Configuration page.


titleClick here to expand a list of functions...
take you to the Discussion area where you can create a new Discussion Group.View Initialise View page, build a view using several different builder types


Left SideTop RightToolbar



This link will take you to open the New Report Initialisation page window where you can build reportsdefine how you want to build your report.

Standard TabDashboardThis link allows you to create a new Standard Dashboard Tab.

KPI TabDashboard

This link allows you to create a new KPI Dashboard Tab.


This link allows you to create a new Storyboard.Discussionwill open the Create New View window where you can build a view using several different builder types.

Data SourceThis link will open the New Connection window where you can set up a new data source connection using several different methods.


Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

This link allows you to create a new Storyboard.


This link will take you to the

Create Discussion Stream window where you can

set up a new stream.

TaskThis will open the New Task window where you can create and assign a task.



This menu gives you access to all the dashboard tabs you have assigned to your Dashboard. 


titleClick here to expand a list of functions...



OptionLeft SideToolbarDescription
DashboardImage AddedImage AddedThis menu gives you access to all the dashboard tabs you have assigned to your Dashboard.
List of Tabs Image AddedImage AddedThis displays a list of each individual tab you have assigned to your Dashboard, allowing you to navigate straight to them directly.
Add TabImage AddedImage AddedThis allows you to access the browse page, view a list of dashboard tabs, and add one to your dashboard.

This menu gives you access to all the users you are connected to, and their timelines. 

titleClick here to expand a list of functions...
OptionLeft SideToolbarDescription
List of ConnectionsImage AddedImage Added This displays a list of all users you are connected to, and access to their timelines.
Add ConnectionImage AddedImage Added This allows you to access your own timeline and open the Connections panel in order to locate and add new connections.
titleClick here to expand a list of functions...
OptionLeft SideToolbarDescription
BrowseImage AddedImage AddedThis allows you to access the Browse page, where you can explore and locate reports, dashboards, storyboards, and discussion streams.
Browse AllImage AddedImage AddedThis takes you to the Browse page, where you will see an unfiltered list of reports, dashboards, storyboards, and discussion streams.
DashboardsImage AddedImage AddedThis takes you to the Browse page, filtered down to just display dashboard tabs.
ReportsImage AddedImage AddedThis takes you to the Browse page, filtered down to just display reports.
StoryboardsImage AddedImage AddedThis takes you to the Browse page, filtered down to just display storyboards.
Discussion StreamsImage AddedImage AddedThis takes you to the Browse page, filtered down to just display discussion streams.
titleClick here to expand a list of functions...
 Left SideToolbar 

Discussion Streams

Image AddedImage Added

This contains a list of all Discussion Groups you can access, and allows you to open them, viewing all activity within a group.

List of StreamsImage AddedImage Added This displays a list of all the streams you have joined, providing access to each.  
Add StreamImage AddedImage AddedThis allows you to access the browse page filtered down to just display streams, allowing you to locate and join new streams.


Clicking on the Administration option provides you with a list of the most commonly used Administration features. This is only available if you have Administration access.


titleClick here to expand a list of functions...


Left SideToolbar


Admin Console

This link will take you straight to the main Admin Console page, rather than providing a short cut to one of the main admin components.


This link will take you to the Configuration page, allowing you to customise Yellowfin settings, such as authentication, integration (headers, footers, and navigation), page formatting, email server and defaults, system parameters, and regional settings.

Content Settings

This link will take you to the Content Settings page, allowing you to manage the way Yellowfin displays each type of content.


This link will take you to the Export page, allowing you to save an xml fine defining selected pieces of content for use as backups or to transfer to different instances of Yellowfin.


This link will take you to the Import page, allowing you to select and xml file that defines pieces of content you wish to add to the system.

Images and & Maps 
Email Template 
Session Management 

Schedule Management

Dashboard Management 
Licence Management 
Background Management 

Plugin Management

System Information 
Content Translation 
Client Orgs 


The Inbox is a depreciated feature, replaced by Timeline in Yellowfin 7.2. It used to include notifications related to Reports, Dashboards, Storyboards, Comments, Discussions, Broadcasts, Approvals
