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This menu gives you access to the various content builders used in the system. The options available to you through this menu will be restricted by your role permissions assigned by an Administrator. The create menu is dependant on the navigation style settings defined in Configuration > System settings. If you use Left Side Navigation you will be able to choose to position the Content Creation function within the left navigation panel, or as a button on the main navigation bar. If you use the Toolbar the create link is one of the standard toolbar items.

Left Side NavigationTop Right (with Left Side Nav enabled)Toolbar Navigation

This option requires the following settings:

  • Configuration > System > Navigation Style = Left Side Navigation
  • Configuration > System > Content Creation Location = Left Side Navigation

This option requires the following settings:

  • Configuration > System > Navigation Style = Left Side Navigation
  • Configuration > System > Content Creation Location = Top Right

This option requires the following settings:

  • Configuration > System > Navigation Style = Toolbar Navigation


titleClick here to expand a list of functions...


Left SideTop RightToolbar



This link open the New Report window where you can define how you want to build your report.

Standard DashboardThis link allows you to create a new Standard Dashboard Tab.

KPI Dashboard

This link allows you to create a new KPI Dashboard Tab.


This link will open the Create New View window where you can build a view using several different builder types.

Data SourceThis link will open the New Connection window where you can set up a new data source connection using several different methods.


This link allows you to create a new Storyboard.


This link will take you to the Create Discussion Stream window where you can set up a new stream.

TaskThis will open the New Task window where you can create and assign a task.
