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Table of Contents





A Discussion Stream is used to allow members of the business to collaborate; bringing users, Yellowfin Content, and external links together in one place to be viewed and discussed. Discussion is Streams are tightly integrated with Timeline so that users keep up to date with posts made in a Discussion by viewing updates in their Timeline feed.


Creating a Stream

In order to start collaborating in a team space, you will need to create a Discussion Stream. Complete the following steps:

1.  Access the Create menu using whichever Navigation method you have in your system.


2.  Click on the Discussion option to begin setting up a Stream.

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3.  You will now see the Stream creation window, that allows you to set up all the options related to your discussion.

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4.  Set up an image to use for the Stream, helping users identify it when they open it from the browse page, by clicking on the thumbnail.

5.  Click Add to load a new image to use. Alternatively, select an existing image (skip to step 10). 

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6.  If loading a new image, click the Choose File button to locate your image file.

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7.  Provide a name, description, and tags for your image. 

8.  Click Save to load your file.

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9.  You will now be returned to the image manager to select your new image.

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10.  Crop your image so that it's the correct proportions for use with a Stream thumbnail.

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11.  Define the following for your stream:


    • Name
    • Description
    • Tags
    • Default Layout - this allows you to define which style of stream layout the user sees when they initially load the stream. 
        • Timeline
        • Task View
        • List View
      See Layout for more information.
    • Security - this allows you to define who can access your stream.
        • Public - anyone who has access to Streams through their role permissions will be able to access this stream and join it.
        • Private - only specified users will be invited to join this stream.


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12.  Define the list of members to be attached to the stream. This will invite users to join the conversation.

13.  Click Save to complete the stream.

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14.  You will now see your new stream, you're ready to start posting.

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Locating a Stream

In order to contribute to a discussion stream you will need to locate and join it. To locate a stream, follow these steps:

 1.  Access a list of streams available to you via the left side navigation panel, or by searching for streams on the Browse page.


Left Side NavigationBrowse Page
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2.  Double click on the stream you wish to open from the Browse page.

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Joining a Stream



Leaving a Stream



Using a Stream

Discussion Streams can contain posts (comments), tasks, and decision threads. Each of these types of communication are designed to aid in the collaborative efforts of users and teams, and are able to contain a range of different types of content and attachments. 

See Comments, Tasks, and Decisions for more information.





A Discussion Stream can have three layouts, each designed to allow users to interact with the stream in different ways.

TimelineThe timeline feed displays a list of activity that has taken place within the Discussion Stream. This can include new threads, responses to posts, and task activity.
Discussion ListsThe lists layout allows you to group all content within a stream into user-defined lists. This allows you to organise content by your own groupings rather than sorting by date.
Task Management

The task management layout allows you to do just that; manage the tasks associated with the discussion stream.

See Task Management for more information.


Filtering Threads



When exploring a Discussion Stream it's important to be able to quickly locate specific posts or pieces of content when needed. The filters located at the top of the stream feed allow you to do this.

SearchThis search allows the user to narrow down the events they see in the feed, in order to locate specific posts or pieces of content.
Post Type

This option allows the users to specify which type of posts they see in the feed, from;

    • Tasks
    • Discussion Streams
    • Proposals
    • Decisions


This option allows the user to specify the items they see based on the priority assigned to them:

    • All
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High

This option allows the user to specify the items they see based on their current status:

    • All
    • Assigned
    • In Progress / Discussion Stream
    • Review / Proposal
    • Complete
    • Rejected
Favourite FlagThis option allows the user to restrict the items they are seeing just to ones they have marked as favourite or "flagged".
ResetThis option allows the user to clear all the above items, resetting their timeline feed to show everything.

This option allows the user to specify which layout they look at on the page.

    • Timeline
    • Discussion Lists
    • Task Management
MembersThis option opens the Members panel on the right of the screen, allowing the user to explore people that are involved in the Discussion Stream.

