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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Version History

The version history allows you to store the data returned in a report.
If version history is set to Only keep the latest result set then no historical results will be kept.
If the Keep archived report result sets option is selected then all historical versions of the reports will be kept. Note: It's important to remember that this option can quickly build up quite a large amount of data, so use this option sparingly.

Max Size

The maximum size for data to be saved in cache or in the database where version history is required.

Max Items Displayed

The maximum number of items to be displayed on the history drop down list for management information reports.

Delete Period

After what period of time should archived reports be deleted.



Content Security Access

Sub Folders can be secured to restrict access to the content they contain based on specified permissions. The options for setting the security are as follows:
