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Table of Contents

Adding Fields



To include a field in your table simply drag the field from the View Fields List, on the left of the page, to the Columns and/or Rows lists.


  1. Locate the field(s) you wish to use either by;
    1. Keyword Search at the top of the View Fields List
    2. Opening the field category(s) they are located in
  2. Select the field by clicking on it. If you have multiple fields to add hold down the Ctrl/Command or Shift keys while selecting the fields.
  3. Drag the field(s) into the desired Column or Row list (see Layout Options below for more information on where to place your fields) or directly into the preview panel.
  4. You will now see a preview of the table. Continue adding fields as required.


Field Types







These are typically text or date fields and are used to describe the data. Data may include dates as plain text, which can not be used for date calculations.

Image Added

Date/timeThese are date/time fields that can be used to calculate, sort and filter. They can also be formatted like a typical date/time field.


These are the numeric values to be measured in the report. For example, sales sum, customer count, event count, average age.

Image AddedPropertyProperty details of the dimension fields. This appears when a connection to SAP BW's BEx layer is established.

Pre-Defined Filter

These are fields defined in the view to be used as filters in the report with pre-defined values attached, saving the user time defining the same filters over multiple reports.

Filter Group

These are like the pre-defined filters above, but are sets of filters, some of which may be set to user prompt rather than having set values.


These are fields used to capture a value from the user which is then passed through to calculated fields or filters in the report.


Layout Options



There are three types of table layout available:


See Table Layouts for more information.


Data Validation



Data validation checks are made by Yellowfin to ensure you are building your report the way in which the administrator intended. You will be prompted if you have used fields and filters incorrectly with the following messages:



The fields shown in this type of message must be included into the field or filter section of the report. For example:

Image Removed 

A variation of the mandatory field section validation is when a selected field in the table is being aggregated by sum or average. Constraints can be set when this occurs so that meaningful data is presented in the report. To proceed with your report you can remove the sum or average aggregation on the selected field or drag the relevant fields indicated in the validation message into the report.



The fields shown in this type of message must not be included into the field or filter section of the report when a selected field in the table is being aggregated by sum or average. Constraints can be set when this occurs so that meaningful data is presented in the report. To proceed with your report you can remove the sum or average aggregation on the selected field or remove the relevant fields indicated in the validation message out of the report.

Image Removed



When a suggested field or filter occurs, a messages box will appear with the suggestion. The user can chose to include this field or filter into the report or to ignore the suggestion.

Image Removed 


When constraints are set up on a report, one of the options is to select a few fields from a table and set the constraint as one in list. This means that at least one of the selected fields must be included in the report. When this validation message is displayed it will show the list of all the fields where at least one must be included in the report. To fulfil this constraint simple make sure one of these fields are included in the report.

Image Removed

See Constraints & Semi Additive Fields for more information.


Removing Fields



There are two ways to remove a field from your table:


  1. Select the field in the Columns/Rows list it's placed in, open the drop down menu and select Delete
  2. Select the field in the Columns/Rows list it's placed in, and drag it to an area of the page that cannot contain a field (as pictured)


Reordering Fields



There are two ways to reorder fields in your table:


  1. Select the field in the Columns/Rows list it's placed in, and drag it to its new position
  2. Select the field header in the Table Preview area, and drag it to its new position



