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Table of Contents





The formula builder assists you to write valid formulas for your view. Calculated fields written in this way can be used as normal fields within a report – i.e. all functions can be applied to them such as aggregations etc. This is not possible with SQL calculated fields. To begin you will need to work out what type of field your resulting value will require and select either Metric or Dimension.


  1. Drag in the appropriate Formula Builder field type (Metric or Dimension), assigning it to a Field Category.
  2. Navigate to the Formula tab
  3. The formula builder will allow you to generate a valid formula that will be returned by this column. Highlighted buttons will help guide you to create a valid formula.
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  4. Test your formula by clicking the test formula link.
  5. Save & Activate


Case Statements



More complex calculations can be created using the case statement. The case statement allows you to create new values in columns based on business logic. For example IF age is less than 20 then print “Young”.


  1. To insert a Case statement, click the CASE button in the Formula Builder.
  2. Click on the WHEN button will open a popup and create your first WHEN condition and THEN instruction.
    Note: it operates similar to the formula builder, only allowing formula objects to be inserted where they are valid.
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  3. Click OK to complete your condition/instruction
  4. Continue adding WHEN conditions until you have covered all the possibilities required
  5. Add an ELSE condition if needed, this is optional, but recommended.
  6. Add your END component
  7. Save & Activate your calculation


Grouped Values



This allows you to group the values of a field. For example:


  1. Drag in Grouped Values field into a Category in the Available Fields panel
  2. Select a Field to base the grouping on
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  3. Supply a Business Name
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  4. Navigate to the Values tab
  5. Click on Add Group
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    1. Poor Between 0 AND 3
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    2. Click Save
  6. Click on Add Group
    1. Standard Between 4 AND 7
    2. Click Save
  7. Click on Add Group
  8. Save & Activate your field
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