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Tasks can be created and assigned to users for a variety of functions, covering simple 'to do' notes all the way through to data quality checks and content change requests. Each user then has the ability to manage both tasks they've requested, and tasks assigned to them, through their Timeline. Alternatively, you may access the Task Management list through a Discussion Streams.

See Comments and Tasks for more information.

Accessing Tasks

In order to assess and complete your tasks you'll need to access the Task Management page. To do this, open the Tasks list through the Left Side Navigation or change the layout of your Timeline to the Task Management view. If you want to see a Discussion Stream's tasks, change the layout of your stream to the Task Management view.

Left Side NavigationTimeline Layout
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You will now be able to see your task list.

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Task Controls



Once on the Task Management page, you'll be able to view all of the tasks you're associated with. Using the options to the left of the task list, you will be able to restrict the tasks your viewing using the following options.

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This allows the user to view tasks by their due date, within one of the following ranges:

    • Today
    • Next 7 days
    • Next 30 days
    • All time

This allows the user to view tasks by their creation date, within one of the following ranges:

    • Today
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • All time

This allows the user to view tasks by their last update date, within one of the following ranges:

    • Today
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • All time

This allows users to view tasks based on their association with them:

    • Assigned to me
    • My Requests

Filtering Tasks



In order to quickly locate a specific task, there a range of filter options you can use. 

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SearchThis search allows the user to narrow down the events they see in their feed, in order to locate specific posts or pieces of content.

This option allows the users to specify which column the task list is sorted by:

    • Due
    • Type
    • Status
    • Priority
    • Assigned To
    • Requestor
    • Stream


This option allows the user to specify the tasks they see based on the priority assigned to them:

    • All
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High

This option allows the user to specify the tasks they see based on their current status:

    • All
    • Assigned
    • In Progress / Discussion Stream
    • Review / Proposal
    • Complete
    • Rejected
Favourite FlagThis option allows the user to restrict the items they are seeing just to ones they have marked as favourite or "flagged".
ResetThis option allows the user to clear all the above items, resetting their timeline feed to show everything.
LayoutThis option allows the user to specify which layout they look at on the page. They will be on the Timeline layout to see their event feed.
ConnectionsThis option opens the Connections panel on the right of the screen, allowing the user to explore people they are connected to in the system and to establish new connections.

Customising Task Types

Yellowfin allows an administrator to create Custom task types to suit the specific needs of their application. Custom task types can replace the default task types, or the default task types can be retained and new task types can be added.

This feature can only be done by a system administrator who has access to insert, update and delete data in the Yellowfin Configuration Database. Care should always be taken when manipulating the Configuration Database and a backup of the database should be taken first.

Once you have connected to the database for the instance you want to update, new task types can be added as follows:

  1. Insert a record into OrgReferenceCode for each new task type required:
    Code Block
    INSERT INTO OrgReferenceCode (IpOrg, RefTypeCode, RefVersion, RefCode, RefLowValue, RefHighValue, ScreenSortOrder) VALUES (1, 'TASKTYPE','001_000','MYCUSTOMTASK’', 0, 0, 5);

     MYCUSTOMTASK should be set to a value that uniquely identifies each task type.

    The values of RefVersion, RefLowValue and RefHighValue should stay as '001_000', 0 and 0 respectively. 

  2. Task descriptions need to be added for each tasktype created in step 1. If you require task types to appear in more than one language, then you will need to insert a record for each task type for each required language into OrgReferenceCodeDesc: 
    Code Block
    INSERT INTO OrgReferenceCodeDesc (IpOrg, RefTypeCode, RefVersion, RefCode, LanguageCode, ShortDescription, LongDescription, ScreenSortOrder) VALUES (1, 'TASKTYPE','001_000','MYCUSTOMTASK', 'EN', 'Custom Task', 'Custom Task', 5);

    MYCUSTOMTASK should match the value of the task type as created in step 1.

    LanguageCode should be set to the language you are inserting using standard 2-letter language codes.

    ShortDescription and LongDescription should be set to the text you want to appear in the UI - and in the language specified.

    Note that if there is no record for the user's current language code, the task will not display.

  3. You can also create tasks specifically for client orgs. To do this, users must first insert a record into OrgVersion. This only needs to happen once per client org:
    Code Block
    INSERT INTO OrgVersion (IpOrg, ObjectName, ObjectVersion, ObjectStatus, ObjectDate, ObjectTime) VALUES (13154, 'TASKTYPE', '001_000', 'L', '2024-06-18', 0);

    The IpOrg should be the ClientOrg that you want to add tasks to, and the ObjectDate/ObjectTime can be any previous date/time.The ObjectName and ObjectVersion should remain the same.

    Once this is done, steps 1 and 2 can be repeated as above for each ClientOrg. In each case, vary the SQL to specify the correct IpOrg Identifier.

  4. The above process will add new records to the existing default task types. It is possible to delete some or all of the default types.
    The default RefCodes are:

To delete individual default types, the following sql can be run where RefCode is the unique identifier:              

Code Block
DELETE FROM OrgReferenceCodeDesc
AND LanguageCode = 'EN';

If you want to delete descriptions for ALL languages, the language code clause can be omitted.


