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If the writable data source functionality is enabled, you are permitted to write data to a Google BigQuery database.


Before you use Google BigQuery as a data source, Yellowfin needs a driver to connect to it. Yellowfin does not ship with the driver due to licensing/paywall considerations, but you can upload your preferred driver (such as those offered by Google) via the Yellowfin Plugin Manager


Include Schema in SQLSelecting this checkbox adds the schema name when address addressing database tables in SQL queries.
ProjectThis is the project ID of ID of your Google BigQuery project. Avoid using your project name as this won't work.
Service AccountThe email address of your Google service account.
P12 Key File Path

The full path to a private key file for a service account. This is used to authenticate the service account email address. This field supports both types of key formats — .p12 and .json. You can create and download this from your Google service account.

Default DatasetUnqualified BigQuery tables (those without a specified schema) will be linked to this default schema.
JDBC Driver

This shows the details of the JDBC driver that you installed to talk to Google BigQuery databases. It should be pre-filled by default, so you shouldn't need to change this field.


1. Click on the


yellow Create buttonImage Addedand select Data Source


from the list.


Location is used to support non-US based BigQuery data sets. Location options can be found here


Click on the arrow to the right of the Create View button and choose the option (see Creating a Basic Data Source Connection for more information on each of these options)


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2. Select Google BigQuery from the databases list.
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When the New Connection popup appears, provide a name and description for your database.
Connection String: when selecting Connection String you have the same functionality as in Generic JDBC Data Source.
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Google BigQuery configuration fields.
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Toggle Advanced Settings to see more settings.
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Once you have completed your connection information, you will have several options:
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    1. Back: This will navigate to the database selection.
    2. Cancel: This will close the New Connection popup.
    3. Test Connection: This will test the connection parameters you provided to ensure it can connect to your database. If the connection is successful, an indicator will appear and you will be able to save the connection.
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    4. Save: This will allow you to save your connection and navigate to the Success page:
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