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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin






Define whether the area has shading or is a solid colour.


Define whether the corners to the bars/columns will be curved or squared.


Define whether the bars/columns will have a glow applied.


Define whether the bars/columns have a shadow applied.

Colour Set

The colour applied to this chart will be based the selection made. Possible options are; Metric, Monochrome, Configuration Defaults.

  • Metric: The colour applied to this chart will be based the default colours applied to metrics in the view. If no colour was defined for a metric, configuration defaults will be used.
  • Monochrome: The colour applied to this chart will be based on different shades of a single selected colour.
  • Configuration Defaults: The colour applied to this chart will be based on the defaults defined in configuration.
  • Reference Code: The colour applied to this chart will be based on the defaults applied to the Org Reference Code.


This is only available if Monochrome is selected above. Define the colour to be used for monochromatic colouring of the chart.


Select the opacity percentage of the chart. The lower the percentage, the more transparent it is.

Other Segment

Select the % of total a segment must be smaller than, in order to be grouped into an 'Other' segment in a pie chart. If 0 there is no grouping.

Shadow Colour

Define the colour of the shadow effect applied to the pie.

Outline Colour

Define the colour of the outline of the pie and segments.

Outline Width

Define the width of the outline of the pie and segments.

Pie Shading Style

Define the shading style to apply to the pie.

Start Position

Select the position relative to an analogue clock face that the first segment in the pie should start.

Explode Slice

Define which segment(s) of the pie should be split from the main pie.

Depth Factor

Select the percentage of the chart display to be used for the 3D height of the pie.

Keep Circular

Display the pie to fill the full chart area. This means the pie may be stretched so there is no empty space.

Hollow Shapes

Display the line shapes with a solid colour centre at each data point, or hollow, depending on the selection.

Curved Lines

Display straight or curved lines between each data point, depending on the selection.

Total Value

Define the total value contained in the proportional infographic image. If left blank the series total will be used. If the series total is less, there will be 'empty colour' for the rest of the image. If it is more, everything after the specified value will be ignored.

Empty Colour

Define the colour to be displayed if the specified Total Value is not met by the selected series.


The image used by the proportional infographic will be filled from the top down.


Display a scale above the comparative infographic that shows the min and max values, and the central point.

Scale Font

Define the formatting for text displayed above the comparative infographic images.

Label Font

Define the formatting for the label text displayed below the comparative infographic images.

Text Font

Define the formatting for text displayed above the comparative infographic images.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

Display the raster map using the same aspect ratio as the original image. This means that it will not be stretched and as such may leave some empty space.

Border Colour

Define a colour to be used as an outline for each region on the map.

Null Behaviour

Define how to treat null or missing values in your chart with continuous time series, to fill in any gaps in time granularity. Time granularity refers to the date or timestamp unit of the chart (millisecond, second, minute, hours, day, week, month, quarter, or year). Options include:

  • Break: The line will simply not be displayed for any missing values, resulting in a visible break in the line chart where there is a time granularity gap.
  • Skip: The line is joined from the last available value with the next one, over the missing data points. The gaps are not filled in with any additional values, but rather skipped over.
  • Zero: The null values are treated as zero. This results in filling in the granularity gaps with the value zero. This will alter any calculations included in your data set.

Note: This functionality is provided for all variations of line charts that support continuous time series. Learn more about it here.

Fill in Granularity Gaps for Series

Enable or disable the Null Behaviour functionality on a continuous time series chart. If enabled, this option fills in the missing values based on the time granularity of the chart.

Fill in Granularity Gaps for TrendsEnable or disable the Null Behaviour functionality for trends lines. If enabled, this fills in the missing values in a trend line (for e.g. when a Chart Function such as mean, or trend is applied) based on the time granularity of the chart.
Limit Treemap Values by AmountDefine whether or not to set a limit on the number of squares generated in a Treemap chart. Users can specify a maximum number of squares; all other values will be summed together in a separate ‘Other’ square. (Enabled by default.)
Note: Ensure that your metric has been included to the size field.
Treemap Limit Amount Specify how many squares are to be generated by the Treemap chart. (Default value is set to 1,000.)
Limit Treemap Values by Percentage Define whether or not to set a limit on the Treemap squares based on a specified percentage. Users can specify the percentage to be applied to the field’s total; values higher than the specified percentage will be displayed in separate squares, and the remaining (lower) values will be grouped into a single ‘Other’ square.
Treemap Limit Percentage

Select the percentage with which to limit the Treemap squares.




Visible Series Selection

Define whether the user can select which series to display when viewing the report.

Series Selection Style

Only available on Time Series charts, select from different display options for the series selection.

Link Field

Select a field formatted to contain a URL in order to use it as a link on the chart.

Visible Unit Selection

Allow users to change the granularity of the dates to be displayed. Selecting a unit of finer granularity than your data will result in using the level of your data.

Date Slider

Display a date slider on the chart to allow users to adjust the date range of the chart.

Slider Position

Define where the date slider will be displayed on the chart.

Slider Initial Range

Specify the percentage of the available date range the slider is set to when the chart loads.

Bottom Navigation

Display navigation buttons in a bar directly below the map.

Hover Navigation

Display navigation hovered over the top left of the map.

Hover Navigation Colour

Select the colour of the navigation hovered over the top left of the map.

See Time Series & Visible Series Selection for more information.


titleNumeric Display

Summarise ValueSpecify if the number should be summarised - shortened to the nearest unit, followed by a unit label.
Decimal PlacesDefine the number of decimal places to be displayed for the summarised value.
RoundingDefine the rounding you wish to apply to the summarised value.



  • Title







Title Contents

Define what should be shown in the Chart Title area.

  • Auto Title: Display a title that is automatically generated based on the fields used in the chart. Note: only available for Auto Charts.
  • ReportName: Display the report name as the title of the chart.
  • AnimationField: Display the value of the animation field for each frame as the chart title.
  • Metric: Display the name of the currently selected series as the chart title. 
    Note: the chart has to be a single metric series selection. This means that it can only display one metric at a time. To do this just add one metric to the chart and then enable series selection, rather than adding all metrics and allowing users to toggle multiple at a time.
  • Custom: Display a custom defined chart title.
  • None: Hide the chart title.

Custom Title

Display a custom defined chart title.


Use the system default formatting for the chart title text.


  • Legend







Background Colour

Define the background colour for the legend area of the chart.


Specify the border type for the legend area of the chart.


Limit the number of values displayed in the legend area of the chart.


Specify a limit for the number of values displayed in the legend area of the chart.

Prefix Field NameShow or hide the name of the colour field (prefix) in the legend.
Legend Limit

Enable this button to set a limit to the number of items in the legend. If the item number exceeds this limit, then the legend will not be displayed.

Tip: This helps in stopping a really big legend from being displayed if it contains too many items. (Reveals the Limit option once enabled.)

Legend Item Shape

Select a shape for the chart’s legend items using this drop down. You can choose between the square or circle shapes, or even a line.

Tip: The default shape will be based on the selected chart. For example, bar or column charts will have square icons in their legends, whereas line charts or trend items will show lines by default.

Show Trends in Legend

Use this to show or hide trend items in the legend.

Tip: This is a useful feature if you have too many trend items and want to hide them in the legend. The trend lines will still appear in the chart, however.

Variance Field NamesThis setting appears when a variance function is used in the colour field. When switched on, it shows the names of the two variance values on their respective side of the colour range. Disable this toggle to hide the variance names from the sides of the colour range.
Colour Range ValuesUse this toggle to show or hide the numeric values of the colour range.


  • Axis





The Axis scale drop down lets you determine the scale dimensions. Generally you will only be able to set the Y Axis attributes – unless you are using XY charts in which case you can set both X & Y attributes.




Define the boundaries of the axis.

Lower Bound

Define a custom starting point for the axis.

Upper Bound

Define a custom cut-off point for the axis.

Scale Unit

Define the scale unit for the axis. Labels will be displayed at these increments, or multiples of the unit.

Reference Line

Define the position (by providing the exact value or by selecting a drop down option), colour, and label for this reference line. More than one reference lines can be added by using the Add Item option.


  • Background




titleChart Border

The entire chart and all its elements are described as the chart area. The drop down options let you set the background colours applied to the chart area.




Define the border style for the chart.


Define the colour of the border for the chart.


Define the width of the border for the chart.


  • Labels








Specify the background shading style for the label.


Specify the gradient shading style for the label background colour.


Specify the colour(s) to be used in the label background.

Shadow Colour

Select the colour to be used as the shadow effect on the chart labels.


Define the border style for the label.

Border Colour

Define the colour of the border for the labels of the chart.

Border Width

Define the width of the border for the labels of the chart.


  • Series



  • Series





Aggregation LabelThis allows you to toggle the display of a label in front of the field name, based on the chart level aggregation applied.


Specify the shading style for the series.


Select the direction of the gradient shading to be applied to the series.


Define the colour(s) to be applied to the series.

Combination Sub Chart

Specify which sub chart this series belongs to. This will define the type of chart, and which vertical axis it will use.


Define whether line shapes are on, off, or system default.


Define the width of the line in pixels.






Enable/Disable the display of conditional formatting alerts on the chart.


Select how to display the alerts on the chart from three styles:

  • Area: display the conditional formatting alert as a range on the chart. This will create a block of colour for the whole range of the alert.
  • Bar: display the conditional formatting alert by highlighting bars that fall into the alert range.
  • Line: display the conditional formatting alert as a line on the chart. This will create a line positioned at the lowest value in the alert range.


Define whether the alert should be displayed in the foreground (in front) of the chart, or in the background (behind) the chart.

<iframe width="700" height="394" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


  • Category



Sort By

Specify how the data in the chart is ordered, from one of these options;

    • Data Order - order this data based on the order the values appear in the report table.
    • Alphanumeric - order this data based on the values in the chart, alphabetically.
    • ReferenceCode - order this data based on the values in the chart, by Reference Code custom sort order.
    • Series - order this data based on the values in the Sort Series field.
Sort SeriesSpecify which series should be used to order the data in the chart.
Sort DirectionSpecify if the data should be sorted in ascending or descending order.



Category HighlightSpecify if certain category values should be highlighted in the chart, changing the colour specified by the series.
Highlighted ValueSelect the value(s) to be highlighted in the chart, from the list provided.
Highlight ColourSelect a colour to use as the category highlight.


  • GIS Settings




titleLayer Settings




Allow the user to enable and disable the layer when viewing the map.


The layer will be enabled when the map is initially loaded.


Define the colour to be applied to the layer.


The layer will be displayed in front of the map.

Zoom Levels

Define the number of zooms it takes for the layer to show and then hide on the map display.


Display the labels for each value in the layer.

Point Size

Define the diameter (pixels) of each point.

Bubble Fill Type

Define the shading effect to be applied to the bubbles.


  • Combination Charts


