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The example scriptlet above will render a report within the enclosing page. If the user does not have a current session on the instance that the embedded report is coming from, the user will be prompted to log in unless the Guest User login is enabled and the displayed content is not secured. For more details, see the User Access section below.

If the embedded report is being used on a dynamic page or portal, a SSO can be used to automatically log the user in, using Yellowfin's LOGINUSER web service. The token is appended to the URL (how to use the token with JavaScript API link).

The widget that is embedded cannot be greatly styled or modified. A compromise needs to be made between ease of integration with the JSAPI with limited customizability or complex integration using the Report Service API with unrestricted customizability. Refer to the Limitations section below for more details.


The embedded report contains a Title Bar and the Report itself. The Title Bar contains the name of the report, as well as buttons to control any interactive elements used on the report. The interactive features include:


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Displays basic Report Information including; Name, Description, Last Modified Date, Category, Sub Category, and Current User

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Displays the JavaScript used to embed the report

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Allows the user to toggle to Chart view if Table and Chart display is used

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Allows the user to toggle to Table view if Table and Chart display is used

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Opens a panel of User Prompt Filters enabled on the report

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Opens a Series Selection panel if the Visible Series Selection option is enabled

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Opens a Unit Selection panel if the Visible Units Selection option is enabled

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Opens a Page Navigation panel if the report contains multiple pages

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Opens a Section Navigation panel if the report contains sections

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Opens the GIS Map Navigation panel if the map has Hover Navigation enabled

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Opens the Export panel, allowing the user to export the report to various formats, including:

  • Image Modified Export to CSV
  • Image Modified Export to DOC
  • Image Modified Export to PDF
  • Image Modified Export to Rich Text Format
  • Image Modified Export to Text
  • Image Modified Export to XLS


The embedded dashboard contains a Title Bar for the entire dashboard, and then each of the dashboard reports (displayed the same as embedded reports), laid out the same way as they are when viewed through the Yellowfin front end.
Note: dashboard filters and KPI dashboards are supported.


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Displays basic Dashboard Information including; Name, Description, Last Modified Date, and Current User

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Displays the Javascript used to embed the dashboard

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Opens a panel of User Prompt Filters enabled on the dashboard

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Opens the Export panel, allowing the user to export the dashboard to various formats, including:

  • Image Modified Export to CSV
  • Image Modified Export to DOC
  • Image Modified Export to PDF
  • Image Modified Export to Rich Text Format
  • Image Modified Export to XLS

Example Usage

Embedding a Report


Authentication details can be passed to the API when the dashboard or report is loaded, either by passing a username and password, or authenticating via web services and passing the login token to the API. This allows you to use a specific user to load content rather than requiring the user to enter their details.


When a user enters their Yellowfin username and password to log in to the Javascript API, a cookie is stored in their browser to remember the user they logged in with. The next time they visit a page that includes a report or dashboard embedded using the Javascript API, they will automatically be logged in again using the same user. This prevents users from needing to enter their details every time they request a report or dashboard. By default, the cookie is valid for seven days from the last time the user logs in. This period can be changed by setting the External API cookie timeout value in Administration > Configuration > System > General Settings. To disable the cookie altogether, set the value to 0.

Note: The cookie value stored in the browser is encrypted. The cookie will not work across a restart of Yellowfin (i.e. when Yellowfin is restarted, all users will be required to log in again).

