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Broadcasting allows you to send a report or dashboard to one or more users via email, based on a defined schedule and set of rules. A personal broadcast works the same way, except it can only be sent to the person who defined the broadcast.

A number of options exist for broadcasting a Dashboard.

The entire Dashboard Dashboards can be broadcast exported as a link or as a PDF attachmentPDF as per how it appears in the Browser.

Alternatively, each Report or Chart contained within a Dashboard can be Broadcast and combined into a single file. This type of broadcast supports PDF and XLS formats. With PDF, each report is exported separately and combined together in a single PDF document. With XLS, each report or chart is added to a separate tab within the XLS file.

Reports can be broadcast as as HTML, CSV, DOCX, PDF, TXT, XLSX or as a link to the report, depending on the content within.


If the PDF option is not available in the list or you experience any pagination issues, check that JavaFX is installed and that Yellowfin is configured correctly. More info on our Community page.






The option to broadcast must be enabled for a user's role before they can use this feature. 

  1. In the Admin console,  find the user role that requires broadcast access.
  2. If the user role requires the ability to broadcast reports, find and check the checkbox for Broadcast Reports — under  under the Report Menu section.
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    Once this box is checked, the Broadcast button will appear in the Report menu  menu along the top of a report.
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  3. If the user role requires the ability to broadcast dashboards, find and check the checkbox for Broadcast Dashboards — under the Dashboard section.
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  4. Once this box is checked, the Broadcast button will appear in the top right corner of a published dashboard, where users can create broadcasts of dashboards using the same steps as they would for reports
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  5.  If the user requires the Smart Task option, the Enable Tasks options must be enabled for their role.
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  1. This can be found under the Collaboration section.
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When broadcasting or sharing reports with tabbed co-display content,


first export the report into an XLSX file,


then schedule the broadcast. You need not use the exported file, but simply create a copy.


Administrators must configure the sender’s email address for content scheduled for broadcasts. This is done via the Email settings on the Configuration page.




Broadcasting a report (or a dashboard)

The following steps show how to broadcast a report. A dashboard uses the same process, but the Broadcast button is located further right on your screen.


Choosing the broadcast type


  1. Ensure your report or dashboard is active (not in draft mode)


  1. Click the Broadcast button in the main navigation menu (or for broadcasting a dashboard, look further right)


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  1. Click Create New and select the Broadcast option(to send to many) or the Personal Broadcast


  1. option (to send to yourself)


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  1. The Broadcast window will


  1. be displayed,


  1. with a number of options, described below


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Adding recipients

A broadcast email can only be sent if recipients have been defined. One or more recipients can be selected for a boadcastbroadcast.   Note :that this step is not available for personal broadcasts.

Recipients can include individuals and groups, as shown in the table below.



A person that is a registered user of Yellowfin.


A group of users that have been setup within Yellowfin. This option allows you to send a report to multiple users at once.

Email Address

You can insert an external email address so that the report can be sent to external users. Ensure that it is a valid email address.


that this function depends on your licence options.


You can select a report that already contains email addresses for broadcasting. The email addresses don’t have to belong to Yellowfin users depending on your license.

To fully customize the list of recipients, you can perform further filtering by clicking on the Advanced Image Modifiedbutton and adding a report there instead. Here,  other columns in this report can be linked to the main report as filters, resulting in a uniquely filtered report sent to each email address.


that the column that contains the email addresses in a report must be formatted as ‘Email’ to be displayed in the list. To do this:
a. Select the column in the Columns format menu.
b. Open the Display menu for the column.
c. Set the Format option to be Email.

You can also override the default Salutation in the broadcast email if your report contains a field you would prefer to use, such as the users’ first name. To do this:
a. Select the column in the Columns format menu.
b. Open the Display menu for the column.
c. Set the Format option to be Email Salutation.

  1.  Click in the Recipients field.
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  2. Scroll through Yellowfin users, groups, and reports or type text into the field to filter the list. If you have a multicast licence, you may also type an external email address.
  3. Click on each intended recipient to add them to your recipients list


Useful information about recipients

  • Broadcast reports are run for each of the multiple recipients separately, taking into account their access filters, languages or other factors. However, to conserve memory usage and system performance, you can configure it so that each recipient’s report is delivered as soon as it’s generated (instead of waiting for all the recipients’ reports to get done before sending them together). See the configuration to do for this here.

  • For multiple recipients that have access to the same data, you can set up a ‘carbon copy’ configuration. This allows a single email to be generated and sent to the first user, with the remaining recipients being sent a carbon copy. Note that all recipients will be visible to one another.  See See the configuration to do for this here.

Customize your title with filters (for report broadcasts)


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Customizing your title with filters

You can customize the broadcast email title for Reports and Dashboard broadcasts, If you're using Yellowfin 9.6 or later, you can customize your title based on filter values. This might be useful if you send hundreds of emails from a single broadcast job that contains specific filter values. Rather than all of them having the same title, you can use filter tags to help identify different broadcast content. 


Choose between two types of filter tags, depending on your needs. The table below provides some scenarios and examples.

and remember, you must have at least one filter value set for a filter for it to display any values.

Filter format[filter:<filter title>]

[filterDetail:<filter title>]

Filter example[filter:Camp Region][filterDetail:Camp Region]
Filter result if there is no filter for Camp Region
Camp Region In List
Filter result if there is a single filter value (Australia) set for Camp RegionAustraliaCamp Region In List Australia
Filter result if there are multiple filter values set for Camp RegionAustralia, Europe, AsiaCamp Region In list Australia, Europe, Asia
Example of filter when used with title textWeekly sales report for AustraliaWeekly sales report for Camp Region In List Australia

Useful information about filter tags

  • Filter tags are intended for broadcast titles. They won't work in the body of a broadcast email.Filter tags work for broadcasts of reports/charts only. It does not work for dashboards or any other content with filters.
  • When you select "Current Filter Values" for your broadcast, it will use whatever is set at the time of saving the broadcast: updating the user prompt filter values before the broadcast is sent won't update the values used for that broadcast.
  • If the tag isn't displaying anything, check that you have a filter value set for the filter you're using in the tag.

Add the content

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Adding content

  1. Enter text to appear as the subject line.
  2. Enter text you wish to use for the body of the email.
  3. Select the format for the report or dashboard by clicking on the icon.
  4. If you choose a file format, the Append Broadcast Date checkbox will appear. Select it to include the current date in the document name.
  5. When broadcasting a PDF file, a Secure PDF checkbox will appear.
    Use this to password-protect your PDF files. You can specify a password yourself, use the one created when exporting the file, or use a default one generated by Yellowfin. Learn more about this here.
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Applying filters (for report broadcasts)



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If you're broadcasting a report and it contains filters, you can select which of these are applied to the broadcast. 

The options include:

  • Current Filter Values
  • Default Filter Values
  • Bookmarks

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Source Filters

If your report uses Source Filters, the broadcast will also be filtered by the Source Filter, as well as whatever filters were defined above. If the report has been sent to an external email address rather than a defined Yellowfin user, the recipient will inherit the Source Filter from the user who defined the broadcast.

Note: in order for For a user to Broadcast a Source Filter report to recipients not defined in the source filter, they will require the following role permission to be enabled.

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Defining delivery rules (for report broadcasts)





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A delivery rule is used for exception reporting. If you wish would like to send a report only if it meets based on a certain criteria (for example: , if revenue is less than 100$100,000) then you will need to add a rule., you use this feature to configure the rules of your broadcast.

Broadcast delivery rules must be based upon either of the following Alert Data options:

One or more rows must matchSelect this option to build your rule based on a single parameter. For example, the broadcast will be delivered only if there is a transaction less than $1000.
Aggregate against entire result setSelect this option to build your rule based on an aggregated result set. For example, the broadcast will be delivered only if total sales are less than $100,000.
Applied to latest dateCheck the checkbox to apply the delivery rule to the most recent date in your report, excluding all other dates. Uncheck to include all dates in your report for the delivery rule.
This feature is optional, and only appears when a date field is added to your report.

To create a delivery rule, follow the steps below.

  1. In the In the Alert-based broadcast section, click on the radio button for Alert.
  2. Click on the Add Alert Delivery Rules link.
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    The Delivery Rules dialog box will be displayed
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  3. Click the You will now have the choice of building a rule based on:One or more rows must match (eg, is there a transaction less than $1000) OR
  4. Aggregate against entire result set (eg, are the total sales less than $100000)
  5. radio button to select this option as the basis for your delivery rule
  6. Check the Applied to latest date checkbox
    This box only appears when a date field is added to your report
  7. Using the dropdown, select Select the field on which to apply the condition, click then click Add Field , and apply your condition. to save that condition
    You can add multiple conditions here if required.
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  8. Click on the Submit button button to apply all your conditions.your delivery rule or rules
  9. Your rule or rules will now be displayed on the Broadcast dialog box.


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Creating a schedule

The last step is to define the schedule for your broadcast.

The send frequency is highly flexible. For example, monthly reports can be based on a certain day of the month, like this:

...or Or a certain day of a certain week within the month, like this:



Select 'Once' as the frequency to send out the broadcast as soon as possible.

  1. In the Frequency section section, use the dropdowns to define when your broadcast should be sent.
    Depending on the option selected here, you may be required to provide further details. For example, if Fortnightly is selected, you will be prompted to select either the first or second week of the fortnight to send in, as well as the day of the week.
  2. Check the timezone is set correctly, and use the dropdowns to make any changes to zone, hour and minute.
  3. Toggle the Limit Schedule Period option to activate or deactivate a limited time period.
  4. Toggle the  Failure Notification option to activate or deactivate any failure notifications. When active you can select any users to receive the notification.

Submit the broadcast

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Submitting the broadcast

  1. Click on the the Submit button to finalize the broadcast setup.
  2.  You will now see your broadcast listed (the image below shows how it will look when expanded).



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