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Table of Contents


Tooltips are a great way of finding out values of data points. Hovering the cursor over a chart point will reveal the tooltip to reveal exact values and interact with the data.



Colour-coded Multiple Values

In case of multiple data in charts, the tooltips easily distinguishes between them by marking each value with a different colour. The example below shows this for a time series chart:




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Here are some of the functions you can perform using the tooltip:

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Total Values Calculated

For multiple values, the total is also included in the tooltip, along with the individual ones.


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Chart Type Icons

Icons will appear in the tooltip based on the type of data displayed in the chart. For example, for scatter charts, the following icon will be shown in the tooltip:


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Tooltip Functions

This section contains various processes on the interactivity of the tooltip. Functions that you can perform include: filtering, data drilling, and auto analysis.

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Click on a link below to view its procedure: 

titleView data values

You can view the exact value of a data point, or multiple data points using the tooltip. On making the tooltip appear, you will be able to also view any functions that can be performed.


  1. For a single data point, simply hover your cursor over a point or bar in a chart to make the tooltip appear.
  2. Then right-click to extend the tooltip.
  3. The tooltip will clearly indicate the exact select value name (date, region or any type) and provide its value.

  4. But to discover the values of multiple data points, select them through brushing (dragging and selecting).
  5. The tooltip will display the exact values of the selected points with their combined result.




titleFilter data


You can filter data on a chart by using these options.

KeepThis saves the selected data point and removes the rest. Note: keep works best for big charts when you want to select a few values and keep them.
ExcludeThis deletes the selected point(s) and keeps the rest.
ResetThis appears when a chart has been filtered, to undo that action and go back to displaying the original chart data.

  1. Make the tooltip appear on a selected data point(s), and select the Filter option.

  2. Click on Keep to save the selected data. The rest of the content will be removed from the chart.
  3. Or click on Exclude to delete the chosen data. It will disappear from the chart.
  4. On performing either of these actions, a new option will be added to the Filter menu called Reset.

  5. Use this to undo the filtering done on the chart. The chart will go back to its original form.





titleDrill into data


If a chart has drilling information (click here to find out more about this), then the tooltip will display the type of drilling, and then next level the data goes to.

  1. Ensure that the chart has drilling capability.
  2. Make the tooltip appear on a single data point, and choose the Drill option.

  3. Our example above shows that the drilling functionality is a Drill Down, and the next level the data will drill down to is Camp Country.
  4. If you perform bring up the tooltip in this next level, it will reveal more drilling options.

  5. Click on the next drill down option to go further down the data hierarchy.
  6. Or click Drill up to go back to the previous level.
  7. You can always use Drill Reset to go back to the original chart content.



titleAuto analysis








titleAuto analysis

The Auto Analyze option in the tooltip is used to find out the Instant Insights on your chart. Learn how to do that here.

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Dimensions in Tooltips



Dimension fields can be added to tooltips for certain chart types (see below for which ones), however, this practice is not recommended as it only displays a single value in the tooltip even if the dimension field contains multiple.

titleCharts that support dimensions in tooltips

The following chart types support dimension in tooltips:

  • Heat Grid
  • Category Charts
    • Area, Stacked Area, Horizontal Bar, 3D Horizontal Bar, Stacked Horizontal Bar, Horizontal Cylinder, Layered Bar, Vertical Column, 3D Vertical Column, Stacked Vertical Column, Cylinder, 3D Stacked Column, Layered Column, Line, 3D Line, Stepped, Waterfall
  • Cross Tab Category Charts
    • Area, Stacked Area, Horizontal Bar, 3D Horizontal Bar, Stacked Horizontal Bar, Horizontal Cylinder, Layered Bar, Vertical Column, 3D Vertical Column, Stacked Vertical Column, Cylinder, 3D Stacked Column, Layered Column, Line, 3D Line, Stepped


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