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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Table of Contents



Code Widgets widgets are custom UI objects , designed to allow users to bring external app experiences into presentations and create re-usable low code/no code widgets for other presentation authors. Yellowfin also includes multiple out-of-the-box Code Widgets and Action Buttonscode widgets and action buttons, which are both explained in this section.



widget examples

The following types of code widgets are available by default in Yellowfin out-of-the-box.

Image RemovedImage Added

Code Widget type


Data Storytelling Feed

Add a data storytelling feed, based on a Yellowfin content folder. The feed will display a list of stories contained within a folder or sub folder.

Signal List


a Signal List to

a signal list, if Yellowfin Signals is part of your analytics suite, as a quick and easy way to incorporate automatically discovered insights that are relevant to the content in a presentation.


Custom HTML



this widget anywhere on your


slides, and then jump to Code Mode to instantly start coding HTML within the widget’s tags.

Associated ReportsAdd relevant reports as links rather than
displaying them.

User-generated Code Widgets


Embed videos from popular online video platforms including YouTube, Dailymotion, TED and Vimeo.

Create your own widget

Yellowfin gives you full freedom to implement your own widget, with our JS API providing the tools that developers need to extend the functionality of Yellowfin to suit individual business needsYellowfin supports the use of custom code widgets that developers can code and package together. These can be added to the presentation dashboard by importing them through the plugin manager. They will then appear in the Code Widget list of code widgets for selection during the presentation dashboard building process. Take a look at the guide to creating a code widget for further information and resources.



Yellowfin Code Widgets

Here's how to use the out-of-the-box Yellowfin Code Widgets.


Custom HTML

This widget allows you to add custom HTML anywhere on the presentation slide. HTML added through this widget is displayed on all modes of the presentation. 

Although HTML is supported in the Present code editor, the actual output of custom HTML in Code Mode will not render on Visual Mode. To see the actual output, you must preview the presentation.

Custom HTML Code Widgets allow you to see the output of custom HTML content added in Code Mode, in Visual Mode without previewing it.

Using the Custom HTML Code Widget

This widget is designed to be used by users with coding knowledge, specifically HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is because it requires the use of Code Mode to edit the widget.


Ensure that you have the ‘Code Mode’ role function enabled for this to work properly.


Data storytelling feed widget


Present Code Widgets#top

Yellowfin 9.6 offers a data storytelling feed widget that works like a news feed for Yellowfin presentations. The widget displays a list of the most recent stories from a folder or sub folder location that you choose. 

With this widget, presuming you have the access required, you can:

  • add one or more data storytelling feeds to a dashboard or a presentation and customize their display;
  • manage data storytelling templates for regular use (to save time setting up filters etc); and,
  • create new stories from templates.

Add data storytelling feeds to a presentation

When you add a data storytelling feed to your dashboard, you can apply all the usual formatting, such as the size of the object and any background formatting. You can also control a variety of data storytelling-specific display options, outlined in the table below. 

Image Added



Name (Display Title)

Type the title text that you would like to be displayed at the top of the widget. Leave it blank if you don’t want a title.

If you’re a developer, make sure you use the publishUUID if you wish to identify this widget in your code.

Content Folder

Select the content folder that contains the source of your storytelling feed. By default, stories saved in all the sub folders will be displayed in the feed.

Sub Folder (visible only after selecting a content folder)

If you only wish to display the contents of a particular sub folder, select it here. Make sure its parent folder has already been selected in the Content Folder field above. By choosing a sub folder, only the contents of the sub folder will be displayed in the feed.

Dark Theme

Choose between the light and dark color themes for your feed.

Show Author

Toggle on to display the name of the person who created each item in the feed.

Show Date

Toggle on to display the date that each item was last published.

Show Description

Toggle on to display the description of each item in the feed. 

Show Unread as Bold

Toggle on to display bold text for unread items in your storytelling feed.

Show Thumbnail

Toggle on to display a thumbnail version of the main image for each item in the feed, if an image exists.

Steps to add a data storytelling feed

  1. On a presentation of your choice, click on the Widgets tool on the left
    Image Added

  2. Use your mouse to drag the Data Storytelling Feed option onto your slide
    Image Added

  3. In the Data Storytelling Properties panel on the right, select a folder and, if required, any sub folder that contains storytelling content
    Image Added
  4. Check that the feed is populated with stories and adjust any of the options in the Data Storytelling Properties panel to customize the feed
    Image Added

Manage storytelling templates

A storytelling template lets you create new content based on existing stories that you have access to view. This is useful when you create similar content regularly. For example, if you publish a new story every month with an embedded table and charts containing last month’s sales figures, you can make this into a template for future use. 

Templates are managed from within the storytelling widget during presentation or dashboard editing. Follow the steps below to select and deselect storytelling templates.

Steps to manage templates

  1. Ensure you’re editing a presentations with a data storytelling feed already added
  2. Click on the Edit Template List button at the bottom of the feed
    Checkboxes will appear next to each item in your scrollable feed:
    Image Added
  3. Use the checkboxes to select (or deselect) any stories you wish to use as templates
  4. Click on the Save List button

Create new storytelling content from templates

You can create new storytelling content directly from a presentation or a dashboard. Using an existing template means content, such as any filters, images and text, will be copied into a new story. 

For regular content that you produce, this saves time in recreating filters for tables and charts that you wish to include. Instead, you can tweak the existing content and filter values to suit your updated content. When you update a filter in a new story, the original template remains unchanged, leaving your original story intact.

TIP: Make sure the presentation already has a data storytelling feed on it and that you’re viewing the presentation in either publish or preview mode.

From the feed on a presentation or a dashboard, you can:

  • create new content based on an existing template; or,
  • create a new, empty story

All new content will automatically be stored in the same sub folder that the feed is already set to use. This means it will automatically be added to your data storytelling feed on the presentation slide or dashboard as soon as you’ve published it.

Steps to create new storytelling content from templates

  1. Ensure you’re viewing a presentation with a data storytelling feed already added, either in preview mode or already published
    Image Added
  2. In the bottom left corner, click on the Add to Feed button to display the Create New Feed Item dialog box
    Any stories you selected to use as templates will be displayed as a list in this dialog box:
    Image Added
  3. Either click on one of the existing templates listed to create a copy of an existing story, or click on the Create Blank Story button in the bottom right corner to create a new, empty story without any content
    The story will appear in edit mode, with Copy added to its title:
    Image Added
  4. Adjust any filters and content according to your requirements (for more information on writing stories, start here)
    Image Added
  5. Click on the Publish button at the top of the story
  6. Save the story to the same folder location as the original story (and, depending on your feed settings, the same sub folder location) if you wish to display it in your story feed, then click on the Publish button
    Image Added
  7. Close the published story to return to your dashboard with the data storytelling feed you added earlier
    The new story will appear at the top of the feed:
    Image Added



Signal List code widget


Present Code Widgets#top


If you have Yellowfin Signals as part of your analytics suite, you can use this widget to add a contextual Signals List to your presentation. This is a quick and easy way to incorporate automatically discovered insights that are relevant to the content on a presentation. The Signal List widget will be updated to reflect new Signals discovered in real time (that is, Signals detected when the analysis is run, and if the widget filters are set to display them).


  • Open a Signal: Click on a signal in the list to navigate to its detail page.

  • View Signal List page: Click on Explore All to redirect users to the Signal List page, where they can further interact with the list, such as by rating or watching Signals, and assigning owners. If any filters are applied to the Signal List Widgetwidget, they will be carried over to the Signals List page.

  • Scroll list: Easy to scroll through the widget list; there is no restriction on the number of Signals displayed here.

Configuring the Signals List



This tutorial shows you how to add a Signals List widget, and configure it by applying filters to view Signals based on your preference. This allows you to control the Signals that will appear in this list.


Property name



Allows you to update the name of the signal widget.


This section offers multiple filters that you may update your signal widget list by. These are covered in the Signal filter section above.


Dark theme

Enable this toggle to display the Signal widget in a dark theme, or disable it to keep the light theme.

Size & location


Specify the x coordinates of the top left corner of the signal widget, in order to position it exactly on your presentation slide.


Specify the y coordinates of the top left corner of the signal widget, in order to position it exactly on your presentation slide.


Specify the height of the currently selected signal widget, in pixels, in order to resize it exactly.

Note that the Signal widget width does not have a configuration field as it is not adjustable for this widget.

Lock widget

Enable this toggle to lock the signal widget in its location. This stops you from moving or resizing it. This holds true even when selecting multiple widgets on the slide. Note that the quick chart can still be customized. 



Custom HTML


Present Code Widgets#top

This widget allows you to add custom HTML anywhere on the presentation slide. HTML added through this widget is displayed on all modes of the presentation. 

Although HTML is supported in the Present code editor, the actual output of custom HTML in Code Mode will not render on Visual Mode. To see the actual output, you must preview the presentation.

Custom HTML code widgets allow you to see the output of custom HTML content added in Code Mode, in Visual Mode without previewing it.

Using the Custom HTML Code Widget

This widget is designed to be used by users with coding knowledge, specifically HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is because it requires the use of Code Mode to edit the widget.


Ensure that you have the ‘Code Mode’ role function enabled for this to work properly.

  1. Click on the Widgets button on the left.

    Image Added
  2. From the Code Widgets section in the list that appears, drag the Custom HTML widget onto the slide.

    Image Added

  3. Switch to Code Mode through to toggle on top of the presentation.

    Image Added
  4. From the list of objects on the left, click on the Custom HTML object to highlight or navigate to the exact code section. Tip: this object list displays all objects added to the presentation and is used to find the exact code for a particular object so it can be edited.
  5. Once located, enter your HTML code into the widget’s code.
  6. If you navigate back to Visual Mode, you will be able to see the output of your HTML content.



Video widget


Present Code Widgets#top

The video widget was introduced with Yellowfin 9.6. It provides an easy way to add videos to dashboards and presentations using a URL as a video source. The video widget can be used to share videos from popular video platforms including YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo and TED (Talks).

Add a video to a presentation

In Present preview and publish modes, all videos can be viewed like any embedded video.

In Present edit mode, videos cannot be viewed, and videos from Vimeo and TED won’t display a custom preview image.

  1. On a presentation slide of your choice, click on the Widgets tool on the left
    Image Added
  2. Use your mouse to drag the Video option onto your slide
    Image Added
  3. In the properties panel on the right, click on the Video URL field and paste a URL to a video (for example,
    Depending on the video platform, the video placeholder on your dashboard will change to either a preview image, like this:
    Image Added
    ...or a generic graphic, like this:
    Image Added
  4. If you wish to resize the video, drag and drop any corner of the widget placeholder
  5. Click on the dashboard’s Preview button
  6. Click on the video to trigger it to play
    Image Added



Present Code Widgets#top