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Table of Contents




In order to create a new GeoPack the data will need to be submitted to Yellowfin for pack generation. This  This page will explore the files that are required to create GeoPacks.GeoPacks require the following files These include:

  1. A CSV file for each level of the geographical hierarchy in the pack, containing geometry and aliases.
  2. A CSV file containing demographic names and values for the lowest level of the geographical hierarchy. (You only need the lowest level, as Yellowfin will automatically aggregate these values up if higher levels are used instead)
  3. A metadata file specifying how the CSVs link together.

Source & Disclaimer information is required for all GeoPacks. It's important to ensure any source data used has been acquired in an appropriate manner and is allowed to be redistributed in this form.


For the purposes of the examples throughout the page, we will explore a scenario around creating a GeoPack for Australia, which has three levels of geographical hierarchy:


  1. A CSV file containing geometry and aliases for States.
  2. A CSV file containing geometry and aliases for Postcodes.
  3. A CSV file containing geometry and aliases for Suburbs.
  4. A CSV file containing demographic names and values for Suburbs.
  5. A metadata file specifying how the CSVs link together.


CSV Geometry & Aliases File(s)


  1. auspack_1.csv - this will contain the State information from the hierarhcy.
  2. auspack_2.csv - this will contain the Postcode information from the hierarhcy.
  3. auspack_3.csv - this will contain the Suburb information from the hierarhcy.


File Format

The CSVs will need to contain data in the following structure:

  1. First row containing the label for the level.
  2. Second row containing labels for each alias column, labels for the point and polygon columns should not be included.
  3. Remaining rows containing:
    1. Columns containing aliases (there can be as many aliases for a particular level as you require. Some levels may have one or two different aliases, but others may have several).
    2. If the CSV is not the top level of the hierarchy it must now have a column containing the alias value of the level directly above it that the row belongs to in order to link it.
      Note: as each level can have more than one alias, the linking aliases are defined in the metadata file described later.
    3. One Column containing a centroid Point.
    4. One Column containing Polygons (this can be left completely empty if polygons are not required or available for the level, but if it's populated, all rows must contain a polygon, no blanks will be accepted).


For this example, when creating the top State CSV, we've decided to use two aliases; State Name, and State Code. This will mean that the file will look something like this:

Code Block

"State Name", "State Code"
"New South Wales", "NSW", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"Victoria", "VIC", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
etc ...

Note: the <WKT Point> and <WKT Polygon> text displayed in the examples above will have to actually contain Point and Polygon data, we've just displayed these as place-holders. Coordinates should be listed in the WKT as latitude longitude, not the other way around.


The second level of the hierachy, the Postcode CSV, might contain a single alias, and we've chosen to link it to the State level on the State Code field. This will mean that the file will look something like this:

Code Block

"2000", "NSW", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"2009", "NSW", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"3000", "VIC", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"3008", "VIC", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
etc ...


The third level of the hierarchy, the Suburb CSV, might again contain a single alias, and we link to the Postcode level on the only alias available, Postcode. This will mean that the file will look something like this:

Code Block

"Suburb Name"
"Sydney CBD", "2000", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"Darling Harbour", "2000", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"Haymarket", "2000", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"Darling Island", "2009", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"Melbourne CBD", "3000", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
"Docklands", "3008", "<WKT Point>", "<WKT Polygon>"
etc ...


CSV Demographic File




  1. auspack_demo.csv - this will contain the Suburb demographic values.


File Format

The demographic data included in packs explore various values associated with census demographics available in the geographic area. The CSV will need to contain data in the following structure:


In this example, we will need to link our demographic information to the bottom of our hierarchy, the Suburb level. As our bottom level only has one alias, we'll use that to identify each row, if there were multiple available we would have to select one to use throughout. Either way we will need to specify this link in the metadata file, described later.

Code Block

"Population", "Median Income"
14308, 75000, "Sydney CBD"
28371, 60000, "Melbourne CBD"
etc ...


Metadata File




  1. auspack - this will contain the information on how each of the CSV files are linked together.


File Format

The metadata included in this file must define how each of the hierarchy and demographic CSVs are linked so that the pack is correctly generated.

  1. First rows contain links between the hierarchy CSVs. There will be one row for each child level. The way this is done is a pair of comma separated numbers:
    1. The first number tells you which column of the parent level file the linking field is.
    2. The second number tells you which column of the child level file the linking field is displayed in.
  2. Second last row containing links between the bottom level of the hierarchy and the demographic CSV.
  3. Last row containing how each of the demographic metrics should be aggregated. The values available are "AVG", "SUM", "MAX", and "MIN". These should be listed in the same order the fields are listed in the demographic CSV.

Note: if your file only contains one hierarchy level, or it doesn't contain demographic information, simply do not include metadata rows to link up this data.


  1. The first row will need to pair the State and Postcode levels.
    The Postcode file uses the State Code field as the pairing field. The State Code is the 2nd column in the State file and the linking field is the 2nd column of the Postcode file. So the row will be 2,2.
  2. The second row will need to pair the Postcode and Suburb levels.
    The Suburb file uses the Postcode field as the pairing field. The Postcode is the 1st column in the Postcode file and the linking field is the 2nd column of the Suburb file. So the row will be 1,2.
  3. The third row will need to pair the Suburb level with the Demographic data.
    The Demographic file uses the Suburb Name field as the pairing field. The Suburb Name is in the 1st column in the Suburb file and the linking field is in the 3rd column of the Demographic file. So the row will be 1,3.
  4. The fourth row will need to nominate how each metric in the Demographic file should be aggregated.
    The Population value should be summed up, and the Median Income should be averaged, so the row will be SUM,AVG.
Code Block

2, 2
1, 2
1, 3


Source & Disclaimer



All GeoPacks come with both source and disclaimer information, which is presented to users when they attach a pack to a field. A sample of this information is displayed here:


This GeoPack provides geometry for every country on Earth. It includes a metric for country population estimates as of 2005.
Please note that several of the borders in this pack are disputed.


  • All data is from the World Borders Dataset

World Borders Dataset


Although the data in this GeoPack has been produced and processed from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of the information. The information is provided on an "as is" basis. All warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, freedom from contamination by computer viruses and non-infringement of proprietary rights are disclaimed. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein; these changes may or may not be incorporated in any new version of the publication.

Data can also quickly become out-of-date. It is recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of any data associated with a file, and that the originator of the data or information be contacted with any questions regarding appropriate use. If you find any errors or omissions, please report them to the provider.


As you can see, this pack has provided:

  1. Information on the contents of the pack and any possible data disputes.
  2. Information on  the source of the data, including a link to the website itself.
  3. Disclaimer information.


