
The Data Transformation module includes a built-in Date Component step that can extract specific date elements from Date or Timestamp fields. For example, if all you require from your date data is the exact day of the week, or if you need to convert the values to the last date of a given month, then this step will allow you to easily perform such functions. See the table below for a complete list of all date and time functions.


Note: This is a built-in step, accessible via the Transformation Step panel.

Date Step Functions

This step offers various date/time functions related to the different types of date components.

Date ComponentFunctionDescription


(Original format: dd-mm-yyyy)




Returns the year of the date.

Note: The data type of the output field will be changed to Date if it was Timestamp.

Original data: 21-05-2017

Output: 2017

Year Start Date

Converts the date values to the first date of the year (that is, Jan 1st).

Output field data type: Date

Original data: 21-05-2017

 Output: 01-01-2017

Year End Date

Converts the date values to the last date of the year (that is, Dec 31st).

Output field data type: Date

Original data: 21-05-2017

Output: 31-12-2017




Displays the quarter of the date field in numeric form.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original data: 21-04-2017

Output: 2

Quarter - Ordinal

Returns the quarter rank of the date field as an ordinal number.

Output field data type: Text

Original data: 21-04-2017

Output: 2nd

Quarter - Prefixed

Returns the quarter rank of the date field.

Output field data type: Text

Original data: 21-04-2017

Output: Q2





Month Name

Returns the month name of the given date.

Output field data type: Text

Original data: 21-04-2017

Output: April

Month Name - Short

Returns the abbreviated form of the month.

Output field data type: Text.

Original data: 21-04-2017

Output: Apr

Month Number

Returns the number of the specific date’s month.

Output field data type: Numeric.

Original data: 21-04-2017

Output: 4

Month Number - Ordinal

Returns the rank of the date month as an ordinal number.

Original date: 21-04-2017

Output: 4th

Month Start Date

Converts the date values to the first date of the month (while retaining the original month and year values).

Output field data type: Date

Original date: 21-04-2017

Output: 01-04-2017

Month End Date

Converts the date to the last date of the month.

Output field data type: Date

Original date: 06-02-2018

Output: 28-02-2018



Week of Year

Returns the number of the week of the year.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original date: 21-11-2017

Output: 47

Week of Month

Returns the number of the week of the month.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original date: 21-11-2017

Output: 4

Week Start Date

Changes the date to the start date of the week. This function will determine the week of the given date, and change the date to the first day of that week, assuming that the week starts on a Sunday.)

Output field data type: Date

Original date: 30-11-2017

Output: 26-11-2017

Week End Date

Changes the date to the end date of the week. This function will determine the week of the given date, and change the date to the last day of that week, assuming that the week ends on a Saturday.)

Output field data type: Date

Original date: 30-11-2017

Output: 02-12-2017



Day Name

Returns the full name of the day of a given date.

Output field data type: Text

Original date: 30-11-2017

Output: Thursday

Day Name - Short

Returns the shorter version of the day name of a given date.

Output field data type: Text

Original date: 30-11-2017

Output: Thu

Day of Week

This determines the day of the week of a given date and returns its number.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original date: 30-11-2017

Output: 5

Day of Week - Ordinal

This determines the day of the week of a given date and returns ordinal number.

Output field data type: Text

Original date: 30-11-2017

Output: 5th

Day of Month

This determines the day of the month of a given date and returns it’s number.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original date: 11-04-2017

Output: 11

Day of Year

This determines the day of the year of a given date and returns its number.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original date: 11-04-2017

Output: 101


(Only appears if your data has a timestamp)


Hour (AM/PM)

Returns the hour in the form of the 12-hour clock (that is with AM or PM).

Output field data type: Text

Original value:

11-04-2018 06:37:00:17

Output: 6 AM


Returns only the hour of the given timestamp.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original value:

11-04-2018 06:37:00.008

Output: 6


Returns the minute of the given timestamp.

Output field data type: Numeric

Original value:

11-04-2018 06:37:00.008

Output: 37


Returns the second of the given timestamp.

Output field data type: Second

Original value:

11-04-2018 06:37:00.008

Output: 0


Returns the millisecond of the given timestamp.

Output field data type:

Original value:

11-04-2018 06:37:00.008

Output: 8



Step Configuration

Follow the instructions below to configure a date component step, and extract date elements:


  1. Your flow must include a Date or Timestamp field on which to perform a date or time function. Once you are ready to use the Date Component step in your flow, proceed with the instructions below:
  2. Expand the Transformation Steps panel on the left side of the Transformation Flow builder, and drag the Date Component step onto the canvas.

  3. Connect this step to the previous step in the flow. On doing so, its configuration details will appear on the right side panel.

  4. From the Date Field drop down list, select the date column field that you wish to apply a date function on.
  5. From the Date Function drop down, choose a date component. On doing so, the Format drop down will be updated to show all the functions related to this component.
  6. Select the exact function that you wish to perform on your date data from the updated Format drop down. See the table above for a list of all available functions.
  7. Click Apply. A new column with the result of this step will appear in the data preview panel. (Note: The name and data type of the output column will be based on the function applied.) The example below shows the result of a millisecond extraction on a timestamp.