You can define Yellowfin user session options within logon, like suppress header, navigate to a particular report or display a particular dashboard etc.


Passing Sessions

Session options can be passed in two ways:

  1. As part of a URL
  2. As part of a SSO call


Passing Sessions via URL

Pass session options through a URL. For example:

http://<yellowfin-server>/logon.i4?LoginWebserviceId=<token>& disableheader =true&entry= TIMELINE


Passing Sessions as Part of a SSO Call

A SSO or Single Sign On call (which includes LOGINUSER and LOGINUSERNOPASSWORD) can be used to pass session, by applying the setParameters() method.

For example:

String[] parameters = new String[] {"ENTRY=TIMELINE","DISABLEHEADER=TRUE"};




Available Options

Parameter Option Key