Signals Alerts

As soon as a relevant Signal is discovered, you will receive an alert in your Timeline, or an email.

Navigate to you Timeline, and view the alerts. Each signals alerts highlights the data change that was detected. 

Click on the Explore button of an alert to navigate to its detail page and explore the Signal. Learn more about this here.

Locating all Signals

The Signals list page is where you can find all the Signals that have been generated by the system. This gives you a chance to explore additional Signals, besides those that were delivered to you.

  1. Navigate to the Signals ist page by expanding the main navigation menu and clicking Signals.

  2. On reaching the page, you will be able to see a list of every Signal generated (that you have access to).


Signal Functions

You can interact with the discovered Signals in the following ways.

Searching and filtering

Use the filter and search options on the top of this page to filter the Signals that are listed on this page. Use one, more or all of the following filtering options.

Access a Signal

Click on a Signal’s narrative to open its detail page and explore the signal. See our section on this page here for further information.


Click Watch to watch or track a Signal. This adds the signal to a user’s watch list (filtered by choosing My Signals), and also sends alerts to the user if other users interact with it (for example, by publishing a Story on it, or adding a comment).

Users will also be able to see which Signals are being watched by other users and who these users are. Click on the number of watchers next to the button to see their names.

Signals that you receive alerts about (that is, those that are relevant to you) will automatically be added to your watch list. This way, you will also get notifications on any user activity (such as, comments, rating) performed on the Signal.


You can specify the usefulness of each Signal by declaring it as either useful or not. The system takes this into account and applies this rating to optimize the delivery of signals in the future. You can also change the rating after submitting it.

How to rate:

  1. Click the rating link, to bring up the options. 

  2. Choose Yes or No based on if the selected Signal was useful. 

  3. The rating will automatically be saved.

  4. To change, click on the rating again, and choose a different option.

  5. Note: The rating that you submitted will also appear in the detail page of a Signal, and can be changed there as well.