
Google Maps allow you to render location data points onto a Google map which will be displayed as a Yellowfin chart – along with associated Google map widgets. 

Note: Ensure that your data contains location data points in the form of latitude and longitude.

You will require a Google API key to use this map. Learn more.

Chart data options




The label for the Google map tooltips.


A description that is contained in the tooltip.


A hyperlink that can be embedded into the tooltip to take the user to an external site/report.


The Latitude coordinates field.


The Longitude coordinates field.


This tutorial demonstrates how to use a Google map with your dataset. 

  1. Click on the Create button and select Report to begin building your report.

  2. Select your preferred View containing the geographical data. In our example, we will choose Ski Team (Yellowfin's sample data set).

  3. When at the Report builder page, add your required data, including the location data points to the report. For example, we will use the Athlete Longitude, Athlete Latitude, Invoiced Amount fields in our report.

  4. Navigate to the Charts page, and expand the chart selection menu. Choose Google Maps from this selection.

  5. Fill the required fields for your Google map chart, for example drag Athlete Latitude to the Latitude field. You can refer to the above Chart data options section for a description of all the fields.
  6. You will be able to see your Google map chart. The location data will be displayed as:
     Clusters (Grouped Points); and  Points.

    The cluster behaves differently from a point. The number on the cluster symbol indicates the number of points. As you zoom in the clusters will open up to show the individual points. If you click on a cluster, its tooltip will display the values within it, as shown in the example below.

    The single data point tooltip will show the Label, Description and if selected, the Linked field on the roll over.

  7. Trouble shooting: If you see the following error message on your map, then ensure that you have configured a valid Google API key.

  8. You can also apply chart formatting settings to configure your Google chart. Refer to our chart formatting section for more information.

  9. You can also configure GIS boundaries on your map by clicking on the GIS Settings icon. Refer to this section for more information.
  10. Once done, save your map.