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A custom date period is an extension of the class com.hof.mi.interfaces.CustomDatePeriod. The following functions must be implemented in this class:

  • public abstract String getName();
  • public abstract String getUniqueID();
  • public abstract FilterUnit getUnit();
  • public abstract DatePeriodType getDatePeriodType();
  • public abstract List<CalendarCommand> getLeftPredicate();
  • public abstract List<CalendarCommand> getRightPredicate();

Function Definitions

public abstract String getName();

This method returns the display name of your custom date period. This value will be what users see in Yellowfin.

public String getName() {
    return "My custom date period";

public abstract String getUniqueID();

This method returns the unique ID for Yellowfin to define your custom date period.

public String getUniqueID() {
    return "MY_CUSTOM_DATE";

public abstract FilterUnit getFilterUnit();

This method returns which time period the custom date filter is linked to.
The possible values can be selected from the FilterUnit enumeration:

public enum FilterUnit {
public FilterUnit getUnit() {
    return FilterUnit.DAY;

public abstract DatePeriodType getDatePeriodType();

This method returns a DatePeriodType enum value and tells Yellowfin what type of comparison filter is being applied.
The values are defined in the DatePeriod class.

public enum DatePeriodType {

The most common comparison filter is to use predefBetweenDates.

public DatePeriodType getDatePeriodType() {
	return DatePeriodType.PREDEF_BETWEEN_DATES;

public abstract List<CalendarCommand> getLeftPredicate();

This method returns a List of CalendarCommand classes that define the minimum date/time for the filter. To create a calendar command, please use the buildCommand() method as well as view the helper functions below.

public List<CalendarCommand> getLeftPredicate() {
    List<CalendarCommand> left = getBeginningOfToday();
    left.add(buildCommand(CalendarCommand.CmdType.ADD_AMOUNT, Calendar.YEAR, -10));
    return left;

To learn how to use Calendar Commands, please refer to this guide.

public abstract List<CalendarCommand> getRightPredicate();

This method returns a List of CalendarCommand classes that define the date/time for the filter. To create a calendar command, please use the buildCommand() method as well as view the helper functions below.

public List<CalendarCommand> getRightPredicate() {
    List<CalendarCommand> right = getEndOfToday();
    return right;

To learn how to use Calendar Commands, please refer to this guide.

Helper Functions

public final List<CalendarCommand> getBeginningOfToday();

This method returns a List of CalendarCommands which map to the beginning of today’s date.

List<CalendarCommand> startOfToday = getBeginningOfToday();

public final List<CalendarCommand> getEndOfToday();

This method returns a List of CalendarCommands which map to the end of today’s date.

List<CalendarCommand> endOfToday = getEndOfToday();

public final CalendarCommand buildCommand(CalendarCommand.CmdType valType, int calendarField);

public final CalendarCommand buildCommand(CalendarCommand.CmdType valType, int calendarField, Integer amount);

This method returns a CalendarCommand object which adds a calculation to a predicate. This function is primarily used to calculate new values for the left and right predicate.


  • CalendarCommand.CmdType valType: This value represents an enum value CmdType which tells Yellowfin which specific calculation type to use.

The possible CmdTypes are listed below:

public enum CmdType
  • int calendarField: This value represents one of the integer values corresponding to Java’s calendar class (java.util.Calendar) and tells yellowfin which date/time value to use in the calculation. 

Note: The valTypes SET_QUARTER_START, SET_QUARTER_END, SET_FIN_QUARTER_START, SET_FIN_QUARTER_END, SET_FIN_YEAR_START, SET_FIN_YEAR_END, SET_WEEK_START and SET_WEEK_END do not require a specific calendarField. Any value may be entered instead.

  • Integer amount (optional): This is required when using ADD_AMOUNT or SET_AMOUNT as the valtype. This value defines the amount to add or set.
ArrayList<CalendarCommand> commands = new ArrayList<>();
commands.add(buildCommand(CalendarCommand.CmdType.ADD_AMOUNT, Calendar.YEAR, -10));
commands.add(buildCommand(CalendarCommand.CmdType.SET_MIN, Calendar.MONTH));

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