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This page allows administrators to configure a wide range of settings that fall under the following tabs:

  1. Email
  2. System
  3. Region
  4. Authentication
  5. Integration



You can configure all email related settings here, including default addresses and outgoing server settings.



Support Email Address

Define the email address to receive support issue emails.

Email Notifications

Enable email notifications for various user events in the system.

Email Notification Display Name

Define the sender display name for Email Notifications.

Email Notification Address

Define the sender email address for Email Notifications.

Notification Settings

Enable the events to send users email notifications for:

  • User Account & Password Updates
  • Content Distribution
  • Comment Updates
  • Timeline Updates
  • Discussion Updates

Broadcast Display Name

Define the sender display name for Broadcast emails.

Broadcast Email Address

Define the sender email address for Broadcast emails.

Display Broadcast Filter ValuesDisplay the filter values applied to the report in the body of the broadcast email.

Recipient Search

Allow users to search for recipients in the user list when sending an email.

Broadcast Failure TaskA task will be created any time a broadcast fails to be sent.

Broadcast Failure Task Recipient

Select a group to receive broadcast failure tasks.

Send email in Background

Allow users to continue working in the system while an email is sent.



SMTP Server

Define the hostname or IP address of the outgoing mail server to be used to send emails.


Define the port to connect to the outgoing mail server on. Leave this blank to use the default SMTP port.

SMTP Authentication

Enable this option if your SMTP server requires authentication. You will then need to complete the following:

  • User Name
  • Password
  • Confirm Password


Enable this option to use SSL when connecting to the outgoing mail server. The server must support SSL connections on the port specified above.


Enable this option to use the STARTTLS command when connecting to the outgoing mail server. The server must support this command.

Test Email Address

Define an email address to send a test email to.



You can configure general system settings here, including view & pdf defaults, logo options, and server settings.



Navigation Style

Select a navigation style to use within the system. The following are available:

  • Left Side Navigation: the system navigation items will appear in a panel that can be expanded or collapsed on the left hand side of the page.
  • Toolbar Navigation: the system navigation items will appear as links in the main navigation bar across the top of the page.
Content Creation Location

Select the location of the Create content button. This is only available when using Left Side Navigation (see Navigation Style option above).

  • Left Side Navigation: the Content Creation options will appear in the Left Side Navigation panel.
  • Top Right: the Content Creation button will be attached to the main navigation bar on the right hand side of the page.

Colour Picker Standard Colours

Define the default colours to display in the colour picker, along with the chart colour defaults. There is room for six colours to be defined.

Base Tags

  • Included: Base tags will be included in the HTML of every page. This can be useful for debugging purposes, but may cause issues if proxy servers or load balancers are in use.
  • Excluded: Base tags will be excluded from the HTML of every page.
  • Commented (default): Base tags will be included in the HTML of every page, but will be commented out. This can be useful for debugging purposes.

External Instance Base URL

Define the external URL used to access this instance. This should be a link all users can access. It’s used for embed script links, direct links, and links sent via email.

External API cookie timeout

When using the Javascript API, a browser cookie is used to store the user's login details. Define the time, in seconds, the cookie is valid. Use zero to disable the cookie.

Outgoing Proxy Server

Define this if the Yellowfin server should connect to the internet via a proxy server. For example, when connecting to WMS servers.

Extended Logging

Enable extended logs - when an event is logged to the Event table additional information such as names and descriptions of users, data sources, views, reports, or dashboards will be included. This can have an impact on performance.

Restricted Roles

Specify which roles can be hidden from specified Administrator roles.

Terms & Conditions

Provide business Terms & Conditions that a user must agree to before logging in to the system for the first time. (Optional)

Administration Tour

Select the storyboard to be used for guiding users through the Administration area. (Optional)

Minimum Broadcast IntervalSelect the minimum interval that can be set for running broadcasts.



Company Logo Image

Upload an image file to be used as the Company Logo in Reports.

Client Organisation Logo Image

Enter an absolute URL used to retrieve the client logo. ## will be replaced by the relevant Client Reference Id. eg:


Logo Image Scale Factor

Define the percentage the Logo Image will be scaled to.



Filter Views by Category

Display the View list in Administration grouped by Source and View Category.

Table List Length

Define the number of tables displayed at once in the Database Tables list on Step 1 of the Drag & Drop View Builder.

Database Column Order

Display the columns within a database table in alphabetical or native order when viewed in the View Builder.

Report View List Sort

Define the sort order the list of available views on the Report Initialisation page.



Page Size

Select the default paper size to be used for PDF exports.

Page Orientation

Select the default paper orientation to be used for PDF exports.

Shrink to fit page width

Define if content should be shrunk to fit on a page, or displayed as is - possibly cutting content if too large.

Header Height

Define the default height (pixels) of page headers in PDF exports.

Footer Height

Define the default height (pixels) of page footers in PDF exports.

Scale Images

Display images at their full resolution or scale them down to avoid them being cut off if too large.

Maximum Image Width

Define the maximum image width (pixels) for use in PDF exports.

Maximum Image Height

Define the maximum image height (pixels) for use in PDF exports.

Report Section Page Break

Define whether each Report Section will start directly below the end of the previous section in a PDF export or on the next page.

Co-Display Report Page Break

Define whether each Co-Display Report will start directly below the end of the previous section in a PDF export or on the next page.

PDF Password

Define a password to be used to secure PDF exports. (Optional)



Custom Parameters

These are used as part of the Link to URL function, allowing you to use a variable as part of a link in a field.



You can configure all region related settings here, including time & date and language specific text settings.



Default User Time Zone

Specify the default Time Zone to be initially assigned to users until they customise the setting.

Date Format

Specify the default date format to be used throughout the system.

Week Start Day

Specify the first day of the week, to be used for predefined date filters.

Financial Year Start Date

Specify the first day of the financial year for use in predefined date filters



Name Format

Specify the default format to be used when displaying a user’s full name in the system.

Middle InitialSpecify if the middle initial should be used in names by default.

Decimal Separator

Specify the default decimal separator character to be used in the system.

Thousand Separator

Specify the default thousand separator character to be used in the system.

Default Language Font

Specify the default language font to be used in the system if special language characters are required.

User Defined Language FontSpecify if users should be able to specify their preferred language font, rather using the system defined Default Language Font for PDF export settings.

CSV Character Set

Specify the default character set to be used when exporting reports to CSV format.



Multi-language Deployment

Enable Content Translation so advanced users to provide alternate text to be displayed for additional languages.


Specify the languages users may translate content to.



You can configure all authentication related settings here, including implementing LDAP authentication, Client Organisations, and password restrictions.



Logon ID

Specify whether users log in to the system with an email address or username.

Allow External Access

Direct links to unsecured content can be shared with anyone.

Multiple Login Logic

Define what happens when a user tries to log in at one location, when they're already logged in somewhere else.



User Authentication

Define whether system or LDAP authentication will be used during the login process.

See LDAP Authentication for more information.




The Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server.


The TCP port that the LDAP service is listening on.


The encryption method implemented by the LDAP server.


The LDAP node that all users and groups are contained within.

LDAP Group

Only members of this group will be able to login to Yellowfin.

LDAP Bind User

An LDAP user with rights to search the LDAP directory.

LDAP Bind Password

The password for the LDAP Bind User defined above.

LDAP Search Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s Yellowfin username, entered by LDAP users at login.

LDAP First Name Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s first name.

LDAP Surname Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s surname.

LDAP Email Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s email address.

LDAP Role Attribute

The LDAP attribute that contains a user’s Yellowfin role.

LDAP Group Filtering Criteria

Criteria used to filter a list of LDAP groups. Only groups returned in the filtered list will be passed to Yellowfin.


The order in which internal authentication is performed.

Test Connection

Test your LDAP connection with the settings defined above.

See LDAP Authentication for more information.




Client Organisation Functionality

Enable creation of multiple virtual instances within the system.

Global Annotations

Allow annotations created at the Primary Org to be viewed through any Client Orgs.



Password Length Restrictions

Define the minimum and maximum character length for user passwords.

Password Requirements

Enable any special password requirements for user passwords. These can include requiring:

  • At least one number
  • At least one letter
  • At least one upper case letter
  • At least one lower case letter
  • At least one special character
  • Password must be different from last

Password Attempts Limit

Define the maximum number of password attempts a user may have before the account is locked.

Show Forgot Password Link

Display the Forgot Password Link on the login page so users can request a password reset. This option requires Email Notifications to be enabled in the Email Settings tab.

Login Autocomplete

Allow browsers to cache passwords on the login screen.
This option has been removed.

See for more information.

Remember Me

Display the Remember Me option on the login page so users can set Yellowfin to remember their credentials for a set period of time.

Remember Me Period

Define the number of hours Yellowfin will remember a user's credentials.



You can configure integration settings that allow you to customise panels in Yellowfin, including Headers, Footers, and Toolbars.




Define whether a standard, custom, or no header is used throughout the system.


Specify the location of the custom header file.

Page Title

Display the page title in the header area of the page.


Display the name of the current user in the header area of the page.


Display the name of the current client org in the header area of the page.


Display the name of the current user's role in the header area of the page.




Display the main navigation bar directly under the header area of the page.

Logout Link

Display a Logout link in the main navigation bar directly under the header area.


Define the number of pixels the main navigation bar options are pushed out from the left hand side of the page.




Define whether a standard, custom, or no footer is used throughout the system.


Specify the location of the custom footer file.




Define whether a custom or no left navigation is used throughout the system.


Specify the location of the custom navigation file.




Define whether a standard or custom session timeout page is used.


Specify the location of the custom timeout page.