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Once your reports have been built you will be able to create a new dashboard tab and add them to it.

A dashboard is a way to present reports to users in a way that lets them quickly scan all their key metrics with out having to open each report individually. As such when designing a dashboard deciding what gets displayed is critical to providing users with dashboards that help them in their jobs.

Create a Dashboard Tab

1. To create a new dashboard tab click the Create item in one of the navigation options on the right..

2. Select the Standard Tab option.

Left Side Nav

Top Button

(with Left Side Nav enabled)


 You will now see a blank tab.

3. Search for Pie in the Report Search panel on the left.

4. Drag the report to the top portlet area on your tab, as demonstrated here.

5. Your chart will now appear on the dashboard tab.

6. Resize the report by dragging the bottom edge of it downward until the data is easier to read.

7. Click the Save button to save this tab. Type in Tutorial as the name of the tab and change the sub category to Tutorial.

8. Click Activate to save and activate the tab.

9. The Tutorial tab is now published and ready for day to day use.

See Dashboard for more information.


Further Information

For more information around the creation of Tabs in Yellowfin see the Dashboard section of the wiki.