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Implement the following methods for the step's UI:


UI MethodDescription & Example

public String getDefaultName()

Use this method to define the name of the step. This name will be displayed in the Step List (left panel) of the Transformation Flow Builder.


public String getDefaultName() {      	
    return "Append Number";

public String getDefaultDescription()

Define a description of the step. This will be displayed in the Step List (left panel) of the Transformation Flow Builder.


public String getDefaultDescription() {
	return "Append a number to the data in a field";

public ETLStepCategory getStepCategory()

Specify which category the step should appear under. Available categories are listed in enum ETLStepCategory.


public ETLStepCategory getStepCategory() {
	return ETLStepCategory.TRANSFORM;

public String getOnImage()

public String getOffImage()

These methods return base64 encoded strings of images step's icon. The image could be of any type, however SVG is recommended. Yellowfin will resize them to fit into a circle of diameter 75px. The “on” image represents the mouseover state and the “off” image is the default state of the icon when there is no hover.

Native steps use a stroke colour of #bbb for the “off” state and #fff for the “on” state.


public String getOnImage() {
    return "PHN2ZyBpZD0iTGF5ZXJfMSIgZGF0YS1uYW1lPSJMYXllciAxIiB4bWxucz0i....

public String getOnImageMIMEType()

public String getOffImageMIMEType()

To define the MIME type of the images defined in the above methods. MIME types for SVG and PNG image types are defined in

public String getOnImageMIMEType() {
    return Const.MIME_TYPE_SVG;
public ParameterPanelCollection generatePanelCollection()

This method used to define the UI for configuring the Step. In Yellowfin's Data Transformation module, this is the Configure Panel for input, output and transformation steps, or in the case of inline field transformations, a popup window. The ParameterPanelCollection method may be used to design complex UI using simple components. To learn more about this, refer the section on Plugin Parameters. It is recommended that this be developed before the processing logic is coded.





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