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 Before we dive into performing different tasks using the Android app, let's try to understand the main screens which we will be using to carry out these functions.


Navigating the Dashboard Screen

On successfully logging in to your Yellowfin app, the first screen you will view is the dashboard screen. Following is an example of what this home screen looks like:


The features of this screen are described below:


Main menu

Expands to reveal the main navigation menu of this app. See below for more details on the options of this menu.


Leads to the inbox screen containing emails and notifications sent to you.
3.FavouritesA separate panel that shows all the reports and charts that have been marked as favourite.
4.Dashboard nameEach horizontal panel represents a dashboard existing in your system, with its name on the top.
5.Reports and chartsEach thumbnail within a panel represents a report/chart in a dashboard.
6.Inbox panelThis panel displays the emails and notifications sent to you.


Main Menu

Click on the main menu icon on the left side, to see its features. Here's what it looks like when expanded:

LogoutThis option allows you to log out of the app.
HomeClick on this option to get to the home screen at any time.
SearchUse this button to search for any reports or charts in the app.





A Look into the Report Detail Screen

Clicking on a report or a chart will take you to a screen with its details. Here's an example of what it looks like, along with a description of it's features.


Following are brief descriptions of the report screen features:


Report menu

This icon expands to reveal the report menu. See below for more details on the options of this menu.

Exit report

This button closes the report screen and returns you to the home page.
3.Report detailsThe main details of the report or chart are seen on this canvas.
4.Options buttonThis plus button is used to reveal a number of options that you can perform on the report. See below for more information.


Report Menu

Click on the report menu icon on the left side to see its options. Here's what it looks like when expanded:

RefreshClick on this option to refresh the report screen.
CommentsThis button allows you to view the comments made on this report.
FiltersThis shows the filters added to this report. (Note: These are user created filters, that are included when creating the report.)



Report Options

Clicking on the plus button reveals the following report options: 

FavouriteUse this button to mark the report as favourite.
CommentUse this to add a comment to the report.
ShareUse this to share the report with other Yellowfin users.
BroadcastUse this button to broadcast the report to users at scheduled intervals.



Click here to learn how to perform various functions using these features.






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