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As a user of Yellowfin you may have permissions to send reports via email to other registered users or external parties. You will only be able to email a report once it is active. Draft reports cannot be emailed; therefore save your report prior to sending.

Note: These emails are sent using the logged in user’s email address. (This requires the domain to be authenticated within the mail server).

  1. To distribute a report click the Share button on the active report menu. This will open the Share window from which you can select to either Distribute, Email, or Embed the report.
  2. Click on the Email option.
  3. You can now select the required Recipients. 
    1. From here you are able to search through Yellowfin Users and Groups.
    2. Select the desired recipients. In case of multiple users of the same name, you can differentiate by their email address.

    3. Once added, your recipients will be listed in the box
      Note: Reports will only be distributed to users that have the appropriate level of access for the report.
  4. Select the format you wish the report to be sent as, from the list of; PDF, DOCX, Link to Report, HTML, XLSX.
  5. Next you are given the option to provide a message for the email.
  6. Click the Submit button to send the email.