To access Yellowfin's web services, you will need to have a Yellowfin user with role functionality to perform web service calls. Here's how to enable this role function for a user:
- Open the left side navigation menu, and under Administration, select Admin Console.
- Expand Roles, and choose the user role you wish to enable the web services for, for example, the system administrator.
- On the Roles Management page, locate Web Services in the functions list.
- Expand this option and select the checkbox next to Web Services.
- Click on the Save button.
- Now log out of Yellowfin, and back in again, for these changes to take effect.
You will need the web services admin user's details (login name and password) to perform web service calls.
Enabling JAX Web Services
Yellowfin includes code to support both JAX and AXIS web services, however the JAX code is commented out by default. Here's how you can activate it for your instance:
- If Yellowfin is running, you will have to stop it.
- Open the web.xml file. (You can find it here: \yellowfin\appserver\webapps\root\web-inf\)
- Look for the the section with JAX reference and uncomment it.
- Once you have uncommented this section, start Yellowfin again. JAX web services will now be enabled.
Next topic: Calling web services