A directory of Yellowfin web services.
This directory doesn't include all of Yellowfin's web services. More web services will be added soon.
Administration web services | |
Category: Single Sign on | |
LOGINUSER | To define a user account to log into Yellowfin. |
LOGINUSERNOPASSWORD | To enable a user to log in with only their username. |
Category: User Management | |
ADDUSER | To create a new Yellowfin user. |
ADDUSERS | Create multiple Yellowfin users together. |
ADDUSERSIGNOREDUPLICATES | Creates multiple new users, without any duplicates. |
DELETEUSER/DELUSER | To delete a specified user from Yellowfin. |
GETUSER | This function retrieves an existing Yellowfin user's details. |
GETALLUSERS | This functions retrieves details of all the users, or all users in a specified client organization, if specified. |
GETUSERBYIP | Use this function to retrieve a user's details using their IP. |
GETAVATARS | This function is used to retrieve all the users' avatar images. |
VALIDATEUSER | To validate a Yellowfin user. |
VALIDATEPASSWORD | To validate a user's password. |
CHANGEPASSWORD | To change the password of a specified user. |
RESETPASSWD | To reset a Yellowfin account and prompt its user to change the password. |
UPDATEUSER | To update a user's details. |
SETAVATARIMAGE | To change a user's avatar or profile image. |
LOGOUTUSER | To log out a user from their Yellowfin session using a session ID. |
LOGOUTBYUSERID | To log out a user from their Yellowfin session using either the user ID or their IP ID. |
Category: Group & Role Administration | |
LISTROLES | This function lists all the user roles available in Yellowfin. |
SAVEROLE | This creates a new role, or updates an existing one. |
DELETEROLE | To delete a user role. |
LISTGROUPS | This displays all of Yellowfin's user groups, or those from a specified client org. |
GETGROUP | To retrieve a specific group with its members. |
CREATEGROUP | To create a new user group. |
MODIFYGROUP | To update the members of a group. |
RENAMEGROUP | To update the name of a user group. |
DELETEGROUP | To delete an existing user group. |
INCLUDEUSERINGROUP | To add a specific user to a group. |
INCLUDEUSERSINGROUP | To add multiple users to a group. |
EXCLUDEUSERFROMGROUP | To exclude a specific user from a group (they will stay in the member list, but as an excluded member). |
EXCLUDEUSERFROMGROUP | To exclude multiple users from a group (they will stay in the member list, but as excluded members). |
DELUSERFROMGROUP | To delete or remove a user from a group. |
ASSIGNDEFAULTDASHBOARD | Assigns a default dashboard to a user group. |
Category: Client Org. Management | |
CREATECLIENT | To create a new client organization. |
LISTCLIENTS | Lists all the client organizations in Yellowfin. |
GETCLIENT | Gets details of a specified client organization. |
DELETECLIENT | Deletes a client organization. |
UPDATECLIENT | to update the details of a client organization. |
LISTUSERSATCLIENT | Display all the users belonging to a client organization. |
ADDUSERACCESS | Grants a user access to a specified client organization. |
GETUSERACCESS | Lists all the client organizations of a specified user. |
REMOVEUSERACCES | Removes a user's access to a client organization. |
Category: User Object Retrieval & Manipulation | |
GETUSERREPORT | Retrieves metadata of a specified report accessible for a user. |
GETUSERREPORTS | Retrieves details of reports that are saved with a web service name. |
GETALLUSERREPORTS | Retrieves details of all reports accessible for a user. |
GETREPORTSWITHCOMMENTS | Fetches details of reports with comments. |
GETUSERDRAFTREPORTS | Fetches details of a user's draft reports. |
DELETEREPORT | Deletes a specific report. |
APPROVEREPORT | Approves a report as the logged in user. |
REJECTREPORT | Rejects a report as the logged in user. |
COPYREPORT | Creates a copy of a report. |
GETINBOX | Retrieves reports from a user's inbox. |
GETFAVOURITES | Fetches a user's favourite reports. |
ISREPORTFAVOURITE | Checks if a specific report is marked as a user's favourite or not. |
ADDTOFAVOURITES | Adds a report as a user's favourite. |
REMOVEFAVOURITE | Removes a report from a user's favourite items. |
GETUSERTABS | Retrieves the details of all tabs of a published dashboard. |
GETUSERPARENTTABS | Fetches details of only the parent tab of a published dashboard. |
GETUSERDRAFTTABS | Fetches details of a user's draft dashboard. |
GETUSERDRAFTPARENTTABS | Retrieves details of only the parent tab of a draft dashboard. |
GETUSERTABSWITHREPORTS | Fetches details of a user's published dashboard, along with details of its reports. |
GETUSERPARENTTABSWITHREPORTS | Retrieves details of a parent tab, along with details of its reports. |
GETUSERDRAFTTABSWITHREPORTS | Fetches details of a user's draft dashboard, along with details of its reports. |
GETUSERDRAFTPARENTTABSWITHREPORTS | Fetches details of only the parent tab of a user's draft dashboard, along with the details of the entire dashboard's reports. |
GETUSERPARENTREPORTGROUPS | Retrieves details of a dashboard's parent and sub tabs. |
TABSFROMPARENTGROUPID | Fetches details of a dashboard tab, along with the sub tab IDs. |
LOADTABREPORTS | Retrieves the details of a dashboard tab's reports. |
DELETETAB | To delete a specified dashboard tab. |
LISTPERSONFAVOURITES | Retrieves a user's favourite Yellowfin objects, such as reports, dashboards, views, etc. |
SAVEPERSONFAVOURITE | Adds a Yellowfin object as a user's favourite. |
REMOVEPERSONFAVOURITE | Removes a Yellowfin object from a user's favourite items. |
GETIDFORUUID | Retrieves the ID of a Yellowfin content when its UUID is provided. |
Category: Export & Import Content | |
GETCONTENT | Returns all exportable content. |
EXPORTCONTENT | Exports Yellowfin content into an XML file. |
GETEXPORTDEPENDENCIES | Returns all dependencies of a specific content. |
GETIMPORTCONTENT | Prepares specified content from an XML or YFX file to be imported. |
IMPORTCONTENT | Imports content from an XML or YFX file into Yellowfin. |
IMPORTCONTENTNOVALIDATION | Similar to the IMPORTCONTENT function, but does not validate the data source. |
TESTIMPORTCONTENT | Imports content from an XML or YFX file and validates it. |
TESTIMPORTCONTENTNOVALIDATION | Similar to the TESTIMPORTCONTENT function, but does not validate the data source. |
EXPORTTRANSLATIONALL | Exports translated content into a CSV file. |
IMPORTTRANSLATION | Imports a content translation CVS file into Yellowfin. |
Category: Cache Management | |
UPLOADLICENCE | Uploads a new license for the Yellowfin instance. |
DELGEOPACK | Removed a Geopack from the cache. |
BINARYCACHEFLUSH | Removes classes from the binary class loader. |
REFRESH_DASHBOARD_CACHED_FILTERS | Removes cached filters associated with a dashboard. |
REFRESH_VIEW_CACHED_FILTERS | Removes cached filters associated with a view. |
REFRESH_SOURCE_FILTERS | Refreshes the source filters for the specified data source connection. |
RELOADCODES | Reloads specified Org reference codes within Yellowfin. |
GEOMETRYFLUSH | Clears the geometry cache. |
REMOVEVIEW | Removes a view's cache. |
FLUSHREPORT | Removes a report's cached definitions in Yellowfin. |
FLUSHTAB | Removes a dashboard tab's cached definitions. |
FLUSHPERSON | Removes a person record's cached definitions. |
RELOADLICENCE | Reloads the licence definitions in Yellowfin. |
CLOSECONNECTIONPOOL | Closes the connection pool of a data source. |
FLUSHTEXTENTITY | Removes a text entity from a cache. |
FLUSHCACHEDFILTERCACHE | Removes a cached filter. |
REMOVECONTENTMANAGEMENT | Removes content management records from remote caches when a record is altered or deleted locally. |
REMOVEDOCUMENT | Removes a document from the cache. |
REFRESHACLL | Refreshes the access level of a specified content. |
Category: Schedule Management | |
LISTSCHEDULES | Lists all the available schedules. |
LOADSCHEDULE | Retrieves details of a specifed schedule. |
SAVESCHEDULE | Updates details of a particular schedule. |
DELETESCHEDULE | Deletes a schedule. |
RUNSCHEDULENOW | Runs or executes a schedule. |
PAUSESCHEDULE | Pauses the scheduled frequency of a schedule. |
RESUMESCHEDULE | Resumes the scheduled frequency of a schedule. |
Category: Data Source Management | |
LISTDATASOURCES | Retrieves a list of all available data sources. |
LOADDATASOURCE | Loads details of a specified data source. |
SAVEDATASOURCE | Saves a new data source or updates an existing one. |
LINKDATASOURCE | Links the default org. data source with client org. sources for the Client Source substitution model. |
DELETESOURCE | Deletes a specified data source. |
Category: Configuration | |
SAVECONFIGURATION | Updates the system configuration settings in Yellowfin. |
SAVECUSTOMPARAMETER | Updates the custom configuration settings in Yellowfin. |
LOADCONFIGURATION | Retrieves the system configuration settings in Yellowfin. |
LOADCUSTOMPARAMETER | Retrieves the custom configuration settings in Yellowfin. |
ENABLEADMINMODE | Enables the Admin mode on a Yellowfin instance for all users. |
DISABLEADMINMODE | Disables the admin mode on a Yellowfin instance. |
GETROLEFUNCTIONS | Retrieves all user role functions in Yellowfin. |
Category: View Management | |
EDITVIEW | Places a Yellowfin view in draft mode. |
ADDCOLUMNTOVIEW | Adds a column to a view. |
PUBLISHVIEW | Saves and publishes a Yellowfin view. |
DELETEVIEW | Deletes a specified view. |
Category: Miscellaneous | |
TEST | Tests to see if the Yellowfin server is active or not. |
INFO | Another service that tests the Yellowfin server activity. |
METADATASQLQUERY | To perform an SQL query directly on a Yellowfin database. |
GETCATEGORIES | Returns the categories/subcategories (folders/subfolders) in Yellowfin. |
GETDRAFTCATEGORIES | Returns the categories/subcategories (folders/subfolders) that are in the draft mode. |
DELETECATEGORY | Deletes a specific category/subcategory (folder/subfolder). |
Category: Report formatting services | |
HTML/HTMLCHARTONLY/HTMLTABLEONLY | Returns an HTML representation of a report. |
XLS/XLSX | Returns a specified report in XLS or XLSX form. |
DOC/DOCX | Returns a specified report in the DOC or DOCX format. |
Returns a specified report in PDF form. | |
CSV | Returns a specified report in CSV form. |
TEXT | Returns a specified report in TEXT form. |
Returns a specified report in a printable form. | |
Category: Functional report services | |
TEST | Tests if the report service is working. |
INFO | Retrieves details of a specified report. |
SCHEMA | Fetches schematic details of a report. |
FILTEROPTIONS | Returns the filter values of a specified report |
RESULTSET | Retrieves the result data of a specified report. |
FORMATTEDRESULTSET | Retrieves the raw result of a report with the formatters. |
SENDTOEMAIL | Sends a report to an email address. |
COMMAND | Interacts with a report, such as by changing a report page, or performing drill-through. |