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PeriodsThis specifies the number of periods the moving average will cover. A higher number of periods will result in a smoother, but less responsive trend line.
Periods ForwardThis specifies the number of periods into the future this function should forecast. The granularity of these periods is controlled by the overall granularity of the chart.
Missing ValuesThis specifies how missing data should be treated.
Prediction IntervalsThese are used to indicate a range where the actual value is likely to fall.
Interval Range (if prediction intervals used)

This specifies the certainty range of values to be displayed.

  • 80% certainty
  • 90% certainty
  • 95% certainty
  • 99% certainty
Hide Non-Forecast ResultsThis specifies if forecast should be dispalyed either for the whole dataset range OR only after the end of the dataset range.






This displays an accumulative % of total line on the chart, using a secondary axis.




This allows you to display a subset of the data contained within a specified field.

In order to define a Set Analysis field you will:

  1. Select a report metric field to base the results on, 
  2. Specify a range of filters that will be applied solely to this field within the chart

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Set Name This specifies the display name of the resulting set analysis field, used in the chart labels and/or legend.
Set Metric 
This allows you to select the field to filter down to your specified set. Only metric fields included in your report will be available in this list.

This allows you to specify the filters to be applied to your set field. Only category fields included in your report will be available in this list.

See Filter Settings for more information on how to define filter logic.

Note: Set Analysis filtering happens after the report results are returned from the database. This means that set analysis filters do not appear within the report SQL, and as such will be applied after user prompt filters. 





This displays the difference between two fields from either the table or chart. The variance can be displayed as either the calculated value, or a % difference.

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Variance Name 
Variance Between 
This specifies the display name of the resulting variance field, used in the chart labels and/or legend.
Variance Between

This allows you to select two fields to apply the variance calculation to. The values in the second field will be subtracted from the values in the first field, as part of the calculation, so order is important.

There are two types of field available to be used as part of a variance:

  1. Chart Fields - all standard fields used in a chart will be available, as well as:
    1. Chart Aggregated fields - this means you could calculate the variance between the chart aggregated field and it's original report field.
    2. Set Analysis fields - this means that you can calculate the variance between two sets.
  2. Report Fields - all metrics included in your table. This means that you don't necessarily have to use a metric in your chart to include it in the variance calculation.
Display Variance as

This allows you to select how the resulting variance values are displayed. There are two options:

  1. # Value - this will display the result of subtracting field one from field two, as a number.
  2. % Percentage - this will display the result of subtracting field one from field two, divided by value one (a percentage result).
Display Variance as 



