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Advanced Functions are used to transform results by applying post processing calculations to the initial query results. These functions are database independent as they are performed by Java code, rather than being part of the SQL query.




Decile divides the rows returned into 10 equal parts, and assigns a value of 1 to 10, based upon its rank to the highest value. Deciles are used as a measure of dispersion.


The number of deviations from the mean.

Linear Regression

A linear trendline is a best-fit straight line that is used with simple linear data sets. Your data is linear if the pattern in its data points resembles a line. A linear trendline usually shows that something is increasing or decreasing at a steady rate.


The arithmetic mean (or simply the mean) of a list of numbers is the sum of all the members of the list divided by the number of items in the list.


The median is described as the number separating the higher half of a sample, a population, or a probability distribution, from the lower half.


The mode is the value that occurs the most frequently in a data set

Moving Average

A moving average trendline smoothes out fluctuations in data to show a pattern or trend more clearly.
A moving average uses a specific number of data points (set by the Period option), averages them, and uses the average value as a point in the line.
If Period is set to 2, for example, then the average of the first two data points is used as the first point in the moving average trendline. The average of the second and third data points is used as the second point in the trendline, and so on.

Moving Total

The total over the last N periods.

Naïve Forecasting

A naive forecasting model is a special case of the moving average forecasting model where the number of periods used for smoothing is 1. Therefore, the forecast for a period, t, is simply the observed value for the previous period, t-1.
Due to the simplistic nature of the naive forecasting model, it can only be used to forecast up to one period in the future. It is not at all useful as a medium-long range forecasting tool.

Polynomial Regression

A polynomial trendline is a curved line that is used when data fluctuates. It is useful, for example, for analysing gains and losses over a large data set. The order of the polynomial can be determined by the number of fluctuations in the data or by how many bends (hills and valleys) appear in the curve. An Order 2 polynomial trendline generally has only one hill or valley. Order 3 generally has one or two hills or valleys. Order 4 generally has up to three.


Quartile divides the rows returned into 4 equal parts, and assigns a value of 1 to 4, based upon its rank to the highest value. Quartiles are used as a measure of dispersion.

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of a set of values. It can apply to a probability distribution, a random variable, a population or a multiset.

Standard Deviation from Mean

This function calculates how many standard deviations is each value away from the selected field’s mean. Also includes options to remove values based a specified threshold.

Standard Score

The standard score indicates how many standard deviations an observation is above or below the mean. It allows comparison of observations from different normal distributions, which is done frequently in research.

Stepped RegressionImplements a step function against a given column.
TrendDisplays a trend metric against an extended period.
Triple Exponential SmoothingReturns triple exponential smoothing result based in the input data set.


Returns the difference between the data sets.

Weighted Moving Average

Returns a moving average that is weighted so that the more recent the value, the more weight is applied to it.


Applying a Function



Report Builder - Data Step


Applying Data Conversion



Data in a field can be converted by completing the following:



